Preparing pregnant mothers mentally and physically

26 February 2021 12:00 am Views - 1976


Every pregnant mother is expected to give birth to a healthy infant after successful delivery as the end of the pregnant period. 

Several things are of concern; like tight contraction of the womb, quality of infant is grown in the womb and baby’s condition, mother’s pelvis and the nature of the tissues around the pelvis. Therefore a mother is allowed to do some exercises to console the mind and strengthen the muscles around the pelvic floor to aid the successfully delivery of the baby. A pregnant mother has to attend clinic sessions where she is referred by the doctor continuously. This is a strict procedure followed to ensure that delivery of the baby happens without complications.  To educate pregnant mothers and offer them vital information about this phase of their lives we consulted Jaliya Uduwella, Superintendent of Physiotherapist, Ridgeway Children’s Hospital, Borella.

During the pregnancy period, back pain is common among pregnant mothers. Body weight increase, stretching tissues and ligaments cause back pain. This condition can be cured by heat therapy and exercising the muscles

The medical instruction at the clinic and physiotherapist’s advice would be useful for a safe delivery. The tissues of the pelvic floor contracting and the relieving exercises condition the tissues of the muscles around the pelvic. However, many pregnant mothers are nervous due to unnecessary fear and physiologically add pressure to the delivery process. 

During the pregnancy period, back pain is common among pregnant mothers. Body weight increase, stretching tissues and ligaments cause back pain. This condition can be cured by heat therapy and exercising the muscles. The muscles around the spinal code should be strengthened  through exercises because it helps to relieve pain. For an example lie on the floor or bed and lift your foot about four inches without bending the knees. Keep bearing it for about 20 seconds and calmly lower the leg. Repeat for the other leg. This practice is continued twice a day to a count of 10 for each leg. 

When you step on the floor after waking up in the morning heel pain would occur. Therefore you can do more exercises according to the instructions of a physiotherapist. The heel pain is caused due to issues in  the Plantar Fascia structure which covers the heel. Therefore, we can put the legs into warm water for about 10 minutes as warmth is a therapy to release pain. If the pain does not reduce you can see a physiotherapist and completely cure the condition by administering ultrasound. If you are having much discomforts you can get rid of the pain by wearing a gel-containing pad called Cushion Heel Pad.

The Carpal Tunnel syndrome is a common condition that can be seen in women. After the delivery, the carpel tunnel syndrome probably gets rid of itself automatically. If someone struggles to cure this condition a physiotherapist refers such patients to electrical stimulation. Furthermore, swollen leg and varicose veins condition are also observed in patients. The swollen leg has to be lifted parallel to the heart and this would reduce swelling; note that using a pillow when sleeping is helpful. 

Some pregnant mothers might automatically pass a bit of urine when coughing and sneezing. Sometimes after the baby is delivered, this condition may last. This happens because of a weakness in the mother’s vagina. This condition can be rectified by strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. If you have this condition visit a physiotherapist though the recommendation of your Gynaecologist.