A man of knowledge and affable qualities

10 November 2021 01:35 am Views - 649

Fr. Michael Rodrigo OMI on his 34th Death Anniversary


  • One can emulate Fr. Mike’s solid example and epitomise qualities like simplicity, humility, sincerity and honesty
  • We learnt that the green light for the official procedure towards his Sainthood had been given
  • Soon, the villagers were engaged in their health and educational concerns, finding solutions and engaging themselves in interesting livelihood projects. This is what alarmed the miscreants


On the eve of November 10, 1987 as the sun went down on the crimson west, dragging and drowning with it all the hopes of the people of  Buttala, Father Michael Rodrigo (Fr. Mike )was gunned down at Suba Seth Gedera while he was engaged in the offering the sacrifice of Communion on the altar with his community in the little Chapel.

As soon as the news spread, the people came with haste, sobbing their hearts out to pay their respects to their great leader, lying peacefully on the altar of sacrifice, a true testimony, of a laying down of his life for his friends whom he had loved and served for seven whole years. That evening before the sacrifice, he stood at the foot of the altar, read an excerpt from St. Oscar Romero. “I have often been threatened with death, I must tell you that as a Christian I don’t believe in death without the Resurrection, if they do kill me, I shall rise up in the hearts of the people. I’m not boasting, I say this with great humility. As a priest, I am obliged by divine command to lay down my life for those whom I love. This means all the people, especially the less affluent of Uva Wellassa, with whom we have bonded together. 

“Martyrdom is a grace from God which I don’t think I have earned, but if God accepts the sacrifice of my life, let my blood be the seed of freedom and a sign that hope may soon be a reality to our people.  If they do kill me, tell them that I forgive and bless those, who do it.  I shall die, but may my people never perish.’’ True to his words, he continues to live in the hearts of the people as their testimonies confirm:
Madhuri gazing on the martyr’s body blurted, “Sisters, why are you desolate? Why do you weep? It is absolutely clear that Father Mike’s life shines as a brilliant light in this obscure situation in Buttala. He will continue to give us life, light and hope’.

Padma Paranagama testifies, “Father, you are living forever, when death threats were closing in upon you, you confided in your close associates in your own words, “There are death threats to me, but I am not afraid to die. If I’m killed, may my blood be the seed sprouting forth freedom and hope for the people.’ Beckoning Sister Benedicta and Sister Milburga and the others, Fr. Mike prayed invoking God’s immeasurable love and mercy. His own life was secondary to him. His love for humankind was uppermost in his life and it was a totally self-emptying love. The passing away of this great humanitarian, was ratified on the altar, what more can one expect of this life?”. 

Deepika writes: We thought that it is quite an unnatural occurrence for Christians to visit a village that is predominantly Buddhist. But soon, they took to us with much ease. They began to associate with the people in a very inclusive and friendly manner which helped win the hearts of the simple village people and slowly Suba Seth Gedera became the people’s second home. There were many reasons for this. Free medical services were available for the needy. The youth, naturally frequented the place to read and enhance their knowledge as there was a mini library and sufficient newspapers. The person responsible for this treasure trove, the one who identified with the villager, wearing the villagers’ attire was Fr. Mike. He was so unassuming and simple, that it took us some time to find out that he was one of the most learned stalwarts in the various sciences, even having a doctorate in Buddhism. It didn’t take long for the Buddhist clergy and the people to accept his group into their milieu. Soon, the villagers were engaged in their health and educational concerns, finding solutions and engaging themselves in interesting livelihood projects. This is what alarmed the miscreants totally engaged in violent, oppressive, illegal and malevolent deeds to put an end to Fr Mike. One can emulate Fr. Mike’s solid example and epitomise qualities like simplicity, humility, sincerity and honesty. I was able to learn many a lesson from him, to make my life successful. We learnt that the green light for the official procedure towards his Sainthood had been given. But the people of Buttala rose up with one voice to call him blessed on the day he gave up his life on the altar of Sacrifice. He was profoundly human and Christ-like, a meeting point of the Divine and the Human so said the people in one voice. We salute you Fr. Mike. Our tribute will continue in history forever.

Jinadasa recalls with much nostalgia that it was a pleasure to work with Fr. Mike. “I became acquainted with him, as I admired his wealth of knowledge, his affable qualities, his scholarly familiarity of Buddhism and his catchy humour. I thought to myself that Buttala will be blessed if there were more people like him. Fr. Mike had a passion for education and always advocated that education is the key to find solutions to the burning problems that villagers face. He complied with the stance of Nelson Mandela `that Education is the most powerful weapon which can be used to change the world’. Jinadasa further adds, how Fr. Mike at a meeting hosted by ‘Minis Samagi Havula’ discussed the importance of Education.

Father Mike was a multi-talented priest with a double doctorate in Theology and Philosophy. He was offered a prestigious position in the Institute Catcholique in Paris. Verbally, he had already accepted the offer, a little while later came a second offer, an appeal from the late Bishop of Badulla, Rt. Rev. Dr. Leo Nanayakkara. It was to serve the poor in the Diocese of Badulla. The Bishop defines his context with the two realities of Asia, as the continent of the poor and the continent of religions and cultures. It was an appeal to initiate direct and recast a programme of contextual theology in his newly founded School of Ministries as a response to the double challenge of poverty and dialogue.  Saddled between these two opposites, Fr. Mike wrestled between his ego- drama and God’s field-drama. He then retreated to deep prayer and reflection. Further quoting the Bible, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose himself’?  Since then, he stood firmly with Jesus at the Cross with profound faith and faithfulness firmly convinced that the Resurrection of Jesus has conquered death Fr. Mike committed himself to this way of proclaiming the ‘good news’ to all of humankind and especially to the less affluent.
He studied the problems of the area with great intensity, the past history of Colonial rule by the British cannot be overlooked.  History has recorded Uva-Wellassa was an agriculturally thriving land.

It is against this backdrop that Fr. Mike and his band of faithful supporters had to forge ahead. First and foremost, they had to win the confidence of the Buddhist clergy and the 99% of Buddhist people. The ‘tide turned’ by Vesak 1982. Fr. Mike and his group with the collaboration of an eloquent lyricist farmer’s help re-wrote the Buddhist Devotional songs based on the ‘Saradharma and Dasaparamithas’ the ten perfections, closely reflecting the values of the Kingdom. It was listened to by about 700 devotees.

He engaged himself with several livelihood projects targeting different groups, the farmers, the youth, the women, health workers etc. His main focus was to impart knowledge and form a nucleus who could reach out to the various strata of society and teach them to come out of strangulating poverty. One way was the monthly, ‘Story Hour’. 
He looked upon the environment, specially the forests, as the home for the village people, as the poor depend on the environment for fuel, fodder and animal stock. He also discerned the stark reality of poverty and malnutrition, the vicious circle in which the poor are trapped, and that the only viable solution was to improve the rural agricultural and ecological mechanisms. He envisaged smaller working units and communal ownership utilizing local labour and resources, while the emphasis was laid on the person and not the product. He was averse to massive projects involving increased specialization resulting in profit maximization causing irreparable harm to the environment carried out by multi-national organizations. It is this liberative approach as against the Trans-National Corporations’ approach that stirred up suspicion and hostility with the would-be powers. 

After studying the needs of the people and assessing the traditional methods of the farmers which were liberative he got the farmers and the University students in the field of Science and Agriculture on to the same platform to share knowledge. The students contributed their scientific knowledge, while the farmers their indigenous traditional methods. 

A comprehensive study of Fr. Mike in his involvement with Buttala goes beyond the concept of he being a Catholic priest who loved and served the people of Wellassa until his untimely death. There is another vital dimension which has been neglected in the tributes to him. From the very inception of Suba Seth Gedara Fr. Mike was very much an environmentalist steeped with profound respect for God’s creation that made him creatively involve in sustainable development. 

In his last monthly reflection and prayer when the community gathered together in His Name Fr. Mike said, “The sword of Damocles is hanging over us, we are overshadowed with death threats, interventions by the secret police, the military and the CID. At a time like this is there a court of appeal and what do we do? Let’s turn to Jesus. I can clearly hear his voice”. 
These were the passionate sentiments of Fr. Mike, the prophet expressing the passionate feelings of God the Supreme Prophet in whom is summed up the whole purpose of prophesy.