A tribute to late Mr. Augustine A devout Catholic and a gentleman par excellence

12 January 2019 12:30 am Views - 1310

I was grieved to learn of the unexpected sad death of Mr. Theophilus Kirupakaran Augustine on16th December 2018 in Adelaide, Australia. Born on 23rd July 1938 at Pandiyanthalvu, Jaffna to orthodox Catholic parents, Father Augustine and Mother Mariama with three brothers and three sisters who pre-deceased him, one of whom was late Rev.Sr. Francesca. His mother’s brother was Rev. Fr. Thomas (Rosarian) of Tholakatti Ashram, who was the pioneer and founder of Tholakatti Ashram. His piety, sacrifices and devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and miracles performed, pursued to recommend him for canonization.   

During the time his father Augustine was a teacher at St. Patrick’s College Jaffna, Theophilus Kirupakaran joined St Patrick’s College to pursue his studies. He excelled in studies and co-curricular activities. During the lenten period  Fr. T.M.F. Long OMI Rector St. Patrick’s College organized an open-air passion play with the participation of the students at the playground. Theophilus Augustine was chosen to play the main role as Jesus Christ and he excelled in his acting portrayed as Jesus Christ. Completing the secondary education he moved to Colombo for employment and joined the government service in the Auditor General’s Dept. He passed the competitive exam and was selected as an Accountant and was posted to the Railway Department. He got married to Miss Indra Saverimuttu on 1st June 1966 and they were blessed with one son Emil Rohan. He was a devoted husband, an affectionate father and a loving grandfather, always concerned about the well-being and welfare of his family. He carried out all his paternal responsibilities with much love and commitment. He brought up his precious son Rohan in the fear of God and instilled noble qualities in him giving priority to education. Having served with honesty and sincerity he was rewarded with the promotion as Deputy Chief Accountant in the Railway Department. Having proved his professional excellence in serving as Chief Accountant he was appointed as Director Internal Audit in the Treasury. While working in the Treasury, he represented the Government as a Director in the Trans Asia Hotel, an opportunity offered in recognition of his scrupulous professional integrity. He actively participated in the Government Service Accountants’ Association in various projects holding responsible positions and shared his extensive knowledge of accountancy with many, helping them to qualify and achieve their ambitions in life. While enjoying fame and popularity he never lost the touch of Tamil culture and Christian morals and values.   

Late Mr. Augustine after retirement migrated to Adelaide with his wife Indra and joined their beloved son Rohan and led a peaceful life. They were living close to St. Francis of Assisi Church and Augustine was much involved in Church activities and social work.   

Augustine’s prayers and faith in God sustained him in all his triumphs and trials. A gentleman par excellence, lovable personality with simplicity, a faithful friend at times of need, many were privileged to have moved with him closely and enjoyed his love and wisdom. He was a man of discipline and sound character full of charisma and virtue. I was privileged to be his classmate at St. Patrick’s and acted with him in the passion play as soldier and our close association was strengthened when his son Rohan married our daughter Anuja.   

The casket with his mortal remains was taken to church and the funeral service was followed by offering holy mass amidst a large gathering of relatives and friends in tears.   

Augustine having fulfilled his obligations towards his family and relatives cherished his fruitful life and entered into his glory to thank and praise the Lord Almighty in Heaven. His demise is an irreparable lose to his family and friends.   

May the Lord receive him into his heavenly kingdom and grant him eternal bliss.   

 “From the greatest to the smallest we all return to our Creator. When his purpose is fulfilled we shall be summoned back to his fold.”   
S.B. David