Authoritarian instruments of governance cannot be the solution for mindless democratic leadership

27 April 2019 12:08 am Views - 581





The current national security crisis should essentially be managed within the Democratic framework of governance. Inability to protect the citizenry is not a condition that arose due to our collective faith in democratic governance, but because of an indisciplined leadership that proved to be attitudinally bankrupt in the past and in the present.   

Emergency rule in post independent Sri Lanka created a backward society   

We suffer in the hands of those who are incompatible with noble principles of democratic governance - the best known political model for a rational and civilized society as proved by the developed First World countries throughout the world. The system has proved even in the recent past that a majority of elected representatives have no respect for the rule of law as demonstrated by their own conduct. Neither are their leaders in a position to create in their own members of parliament a sober and a professional imagination that fits a civilized nation.   

Incapacities of mandated representatives lead to militarization   

It is a shame that their failure to uphold democratic principles, compel them to take refuge in autocratic practices with militarization of society. If the armed forces become more important than the country’s Police Department, that alone proves that Sri Lankan politicians have made democracy a mockery with a severe cost to freedom and human development.   

A strong political leadership should not be equated with one acting with impunity as in pre 2015

Many have forgotten that the previous regime led by the Rajapaksas was defeated just five years after the war ended due to their culture of impunity, as proved in Rathupaswala, Katunayake, and through Welikada Prison murders that used the military to quell civil society actions, trade unionism, and law and order. If the use of the armed forces is what in our opinion creates a strong political leadership, we should label ourselves as a ‘Nation of simpletons’, with the condition further aggravated with a severe memory loss on realities that we were severely burdened with just four years ago.   

It looks like that the urge for strong government has made our countrymen forget the fate that befell celebrated Newspaper Editor Lasantha Wickrematunge, political Cartoonist and Alternative Journalist Ekneligoda, and even an innocent sportsman like the fomer Thomian Ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen. The greatest army commander in the World, as described by Rajapaksas themselves ended up in the Welikada Prison, simply because he was a formidable challenge to the very President who appointed him.   

Indifference to local fundamentalism makes the challenge to confront global terrorism a Herculean task   

The governments over the years have been indifferent to the rights of minority groups at a general level and in recent times to the Christians when they engaged in peaceful worship. The last statement on this issue was released on the very day Sri Lankans became victims of global terrorism inspired by religious and political fundamentalism of a minority group among the world Muslim community.   

Accordingly, the statement of the National Christian Council issued on 21st April 2019 concerning the recent attack at the Prayer Centre of the Methodist Church in Anuradhapura emphasizes that “Law and Order is an inherent tool necessary for the progress and functioning of a civilized society”. It also states that they mourn the in-action, the unprofessional attitude and lackluster approach of the ‘Police’ (the law enforcement arm) in the discharge of its responsibilities for which it exists, as a result of which chaos reigned.   

The authorities should take note that they failed to counter sporadic attacks by local fundamentalists in the non-secular Republic of Sri Lanka, before they proved to be complacent towards the local cell of the ISIS.   

Appeal of mature citizenry to accelerate national development through the universally tried and tested democratic model   

If the regime that reigned supreme until 2015 January in fact provided a strong political leadership, they would not have depended on astrological guidance on when to hold elections. By the time the election was held almost two years in advance, due to feelings of insecurity on the part of Rajapaksas, inspite of achievements like ending the war under the strategic military leadership of courageous men like Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka, the result was electoral defeat. The need of the hour is to urgently depart from the regressive and backward culture of governance for which the present-day politicians as well as the political appointees in the country’s bureaucracy should take full responsibility. We condemn their bureaupathic indifference towards the needs of the people, being pathological. The responses of the former Defence Secretary Fernando, that they never anticipated a large-scale attack, and that the government would not provide security to Star Class Hotels even in the future is a clear case in point.   

The urgent need is to restore normalcy through a disciplined democratic leadership with highest respect for professionalism in law enforcement. 

The checks and balances for this purpose should never be inspired by forms of authoritarianism and militarization, as that becomes a counter revolution against the mandate the present political regime received from the people on 9th January 2015.