23 February 2022 01:27 am Views - 765
Wathukarage Ashoka Thilakaratna
"Ashoka can be contacted on his mobile phone (071 996 69350. If a donor wishes to check the veracity of Ashoka’s story he or she can kindly contact the People’s Bank Godakawela Branch on 0452240170"
Wathukarage Ashoka Thilakaratna (33) lives in Pussathota Gramaniladhari division in Waligepola Pradeshiya Sabha in the Ratnapura district.
One day, when Ashoka was seven-years-old, he was walking to school and a speeding motorbike knocked him down out of the blue. It threw him off the road causing his head to hit hard against a rock on the side of the road, injuring the area around his eyes.
He was treated at the government hospitals in Pallebedda and Ratnapura by general practitioners, but there had been no proper diagnosis of his condition. Later, specialist doctors at the General Hospital Colombo had found that Ashoka had developed a nervous system disorder as a result of the road accident.
“After about six months into the incident, on one tragic morning, I woke up to find that I had completely lost my eyesight. The doctors said that I would probably not regain my eyesight and advised me to take medicine on a regular basis. They advised me to remain hopeful that things would be better at some point in my life. I kept taking the medicine, but I started to become weaker and weaker over time, and at present I can hardly walk. However, the doctors say that the condition will aggravate if I stop taking medicine,” Ashoka says.
“I have to find more than Rs 13,000 per month to buy the medicine at Lanka Hospitals which was prescribed by Dr. Srikanth some time ago. The thing is; I can’t raise that kind of money monthly. My mother died from a sudden illness a few years ago and my father is bed-ridden. Unfortunately, my sister is deaf too and can’t support me. Under such circumstances I appeal to kind donors to help me financially to buy the medicine I need. According to the doctors, if I don’t take the medicine, my immobile condition could worsen. If I lose my mobility completely, there is no use of living anymore,” he said.
Ashoka appeals to potential donors to make their financial contributions to his account at People’s Bank, Godakawela, bearing name and A/C No. Wathukarage Ashoka Thilakarathna, 245-2-001- 2- 0056034 respectively.
Ashoka can be contacted on his mobile phone (071 996 69350). If a donor wishes to check the veracity of Ashoka’s story he or she can kindly contact the People’s Bank Godakawela Branch on 0452240170.
Ashoka with family members