Centennial Rose Spring of Legion of Mary

28 August 2021 01:35 am Views - 575


It is with rose by rose that the ‘Rosary’ we recite is composed of. It is with little roses that each Hail Mary we recite, that complies a great prayer of medication and invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is Christo Centric Prayer called Rosary is made of. It is with fervent prayer of sacrifice and supplication of hundred years legacy that Legion of Mary Blossoms the season of Roses.

This was allocated by the chief guest at the Archdiocesan Legion of Mary Chaplain of the comitium of Our Lady of Lanka Rev. Fr. Ponsius Rony Perera at the “ACIES” Celebration of Moratuwa curia held in April this year at St.Anne’s Church Sarikkamulla, Panadura. 

Legion of Mary was founded by venerable Frank Duff the lay missionary under the spiritual guidance of the then Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Michael Tohar. 

Prayer and work, meditation and mission comprise the working strategy of Legion of Mary in which save lost souls. 

It is our paramount duty and vocation to bring forth people to the redeeming grace of Christ, the Good Shepherd. We too are to be little shepherds for our flocks. 

Furthermore the comitium chaplain chetechised the Legionaries in order to consecrate themself to Blessed Mary the “Legion General” to wage war against sin, devil and hell. First of all be holy and try to be holy by prayer, penance and good deeds, renewal of sacramental life, praying the rosary every day and engage in meditation. All the members of the Legion are advised to help forming the SCCs and utilise their leadership for the smooth running of the SCC in their respective parishes. 

Let us fall in line i.e., “Acies”, to go forth to spread the Good News that we are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ and saved by His divine wounds. Let us pray at this hour of arising Covid endanger that humans be healed and saved from the dangerous pandemic. Make your home a sacred place. 

By our small deeds of kindness and faith, small deeds of sacrifice and mortification we give roses for the beads of the Rosary. That is how the Bouquet of Roses is formed; the decades of rosary makes the “Marathon” of the Rosary as Pope Francis tells us. 

“The rosary is the shortest, surest and quickest way to heaven. Rosary meditated without mysteries is a deadbody without soul”, Let us renew our dedication and Consecration to our saviour Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin Mary every morning and evening. 

“The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the catholic church”- (Pope John XXIII) 


Those who wish to be active or anauxiliary members are expected to Contact Rev. Fr. Ponsius Rony Perera on 0716854303