25 December 2020 04:49 am Views - 419
Two thousand years ago there lived in the humble sea-sidehamlet of Nazareth to the south of Galilee in Palestine,
HisTeachings foster Paradigms of Social Transformation
The Magna Charta of his teaching is encapsulated in the much-celebrated and the classical Sermon on the Mount he delivered in the hillside of Galilee. He declared the poor to be blessed in his kingdom and pledged that the meek will inherit the land. Those who would risk being persecuted for his name’s sake and that of righteousness would be blessed too for their names would be immortal. He brought the good news of a God who forgives and takes to his embrace all sinners who amend their lives and begin anew along the path of virtue. To this teacher is attributed in the Bible some of the most fascinating and breath-taking parables about forgiveness such as that of the prodigal son who demands freedom and his inheritance, abusing it squandering in filth and debauchery but repenting later, returns home to be warmly embraced by the father who had awaited his return ever since he left home. Another is the parable of the good shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine to look for the lost sheep and finding him puts him over his shoulders and begins to dance around in joy is yet another such touching story. Further, he taught the obligation of universal love and compassion in propounding the parable of the good Samaritan which has by now become in world literature and art an epic symbol of charity, love and concern for all those struck by misfortune and tragedy of some kind.
Face of Jesus portrays the Countenance of God
In the face of this Eternal Galilean whose birth Christmas celebrates, radiated the very face of God who cares, is patient, forgives, heals, frees and instills hope. He embraces and touches the lepers in healing, forgives the sinners who sob at his feet, relieves from sicknesses and pains those afflicted in body and mind and more especially portrays friendship with those who are marginalised, vulnerable and cornered by social stigmas of all kinds. He dialogues with all with the exception of one class of people who were hypocrites since this vice of hypocrisy is abhorrent in the eyes of God and is diametrically opposed to the spirit of truth, genuineness and authenticity even on purely human terms. In his message, the eternal Galilean had open space for women and children who in the society of his day had no voice in public life. The innocence of little children that drew him to love them fondly, made him one of their great advocates who decried those who abuse children, scandalise them and belittle them. While he pointed to children as symbols of his kingdom calling adults to be child-like, he strongly berated child-abusers as deserving to be cast into the depths of the sea with millstones tied to them. Thus, the world of children has become the echoing voice of the teachings of Jesus about social justice, human dignity and human rights. The world talks eloquently today about human dignity and the array of fundamental rights that flow from that self-same dignity. Well we have in the person of Jesus the eternal Galilean the very incarnation of these truths, for in him God has become man showing that he portrays God’s love in human language and that there is something eminently noble, gracious and sublime in being and becoming human. Jesus of Nazareth, the God-Man is the glory and crowning of the human race. Nothing human is ever alien to him. When Pilate brought him out in the gaze of the crowd on Good Friday and declared: “Look, behold the man!”, this poignant imperial declaration by the highest Roman authority of the land of Jesus, reveals it all.
Towards a worthy Celebration
There is to our dismay, a regrettable tendency in the secular culture of today, of either secularising or simply trivialising anything that appears religious and sacred that looms in its horizon. This sad phenomenon has over the last few decades infected also the world-wide Christian celebration of Christmas. For the devout Christian and to all of goodwill, the birth of Jesus Christ is a hallowed event of cosmic significance. The impact of the Jesus story that has now been heard at the extremities of the earth, no doubtresonates well indeed with the ever-perennial propensity of mankind to be in pursuit of happiness, while living in a world safe and secure, where every genuine hope can be fulfilled and every legitimate dream realised. Jesus, the Eternal Galilean, though as a historic person was for all that matter, a Jew by race, is now seen to be trans-cultural and as one belonging to all humanity.
Certainly, taking into consideration the long expanse of the Christian era, much good has dawned with many cultures and civilisations coming into contact with Christianity. Even in countries where Christianity is only a minority, Christians have contributed a lion’s share in some of their liberation struggles, working in the fields of education and health care, national reconciliation and in social services sector as well. Christmas being one of the greatest spiritual treasures of the Christian religion, is a special gift that it is able to bestow and share with the world at large. To treat it solely as a time for merry-making and fanfare denies justice to the celebration.
Therefore,every Christmas offers a golden opportunity and a season to lead us delve into the more profound aspects of the birth and life of Jesus of Nazareth, the Eternal Galilean. One must avoid at all cost trivialising the meaning and message of Christmas by allowing it to succumb to the forces of the market and thus being commercialised, paganised as a time for more lucrative business and mere reveling. This secular trend has to be overturned with the world made to see the more profound impact of the teacher from Galilee who brought a social revolution of love, compassion, forgiveness and respect of human dignity. That would create a Christmas culture with a difference, paving the way for a better and happier world to rise in our horizons, as we stand on the threshold of the third decade of this new millennium.