‘Direction Sri Lanka’ sees May 6 Hartal legitimate

7 May 2022 01:41 am Views - 508


A group of concerned independent professionals comprising of largely legal and medical practitioners under one banner: “Direction Sri Lanka - Independent Professionals for the Nation” has raised concerns over the deepening economic crisis which has made a great impact on the socio-economic conditions of the people. The group on April 19, proposed a set of action points to ensure an immediate economic and social recovery of the country. In these unraveling circumstances, ‘Direction Sri Lanka’ view the Hartal on May 6 as legitimate, as it reflects people’s frustration in relation the Government’s stubbornness to step down. It also called on all professionals to join the Hartal. 

The statement:
Direction Sri Lanka, as a body of independent professionals is closely monitoring the continual deteriorating economic and social conditions, including the chronic shortage of fuel, essential drugs and the steep depreciation of the rupee against the US dollar and the resultant increase in the prices of goods and services and the cost of living.

Direction Sri Lanka is deeply concerned that the political stalemate that is seen at present does not in any manner assist in the recovery of Sri Lanka from this present crisis which must be given utmost priority.

In this respect, it cannot be overemphasized that the following action points proposed by Direction Sri Lanka on April 19, 2022 must be achieved from a governance standpoint as soon as possible in order to facilitate due and legitimate measures for expeditious economic and social recovery of the country: -
The President to resign forthwith in response to the demands of the People. 

A successor to be elected.
The Prime Minister to forthwith resign after the election of the Successor President.
A Caretaker / Interim National Government be immediately formed comprising of a new Prime Minister and a Cabinet limited to 18 essential portfolios along with an equal number of Deputy Ministers, representing all political parties and to function for a maximum period of one year.

As a priority during the period of the Caretaker / Interim National Government, action should be taken to rescind the 20th Amendment to the Constitution and to reintroduce the provisions of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution with necessary amendments addressing the democratic way of governance.

Immediately upon the reintroduction of the 19th Amendment, steps to be taken to appoint individuals with the highest integrity and ability to the Independent Commissions and to strengthen the legal framework in relation to Anti-Corruption Laws.

In this respect, it is the considered view of Direction Sri Lanka that the ‘Hartal’ planned for May 6, 2022 must be considered to be legitimate as it reflects the rejection of the people of Sri Lanka in the manner in which the country has been governed and their frustration in relation to the refusal of the Government to take cognizance of the will of the people.

In these circumstances, Direction Sri Lanka encourages all professionals to join and participate in the ‘Hartal’ due to take place on Friday, May 6, 2022, however ensuring that there would be minimal affectation to fellow citizenry and the functions and duties each one performs.