Guide to endemic flowers for nature lovers

7 November 2019 07:38 am Views - 1033


The book “Illustrated Field Guide to the Flowers of Sri Lanka Volume 3” by Dr. Jacob de Vlas, a prominent Dutch biologist, was launched on November 5th, 2019 at the Meteorology Department Colombo. Presenting the book, the author noted it was an extension of previous volumes on Sri Lankan flora. He said it had been compiled along with some Sri Lankan naturalists, including butterfly and flora expert Mr. Himesh Jayasinghe. Volume 3 contains details of 78 new flower species of which76 are endemic to Sri Lanka and two are introduced.   


The book “Illustrated Field Guide to the Flowers of Sri Lanka Volume 3” by Dr. Jacob de Vlas, a prominent Dutch biologist, was launched on November 5th, 2019 at the Meteorology Department Colombo


Dr. de Vlas explained it was an illustrated field guide of flowers especially compiled for nature lovers, students and those involved in nature management. He illustrated the evolution and spread of plants across the globe through different historical ages, placing emphasis on the Indian region, including Sri Lanka. His scientific explanations shed light on endemic plant species in Sri Lanka and had the audience absorbed. Moreover, Dr. de Vlas stressed the immense support he received from his wife who acted as the volume’s librarian. He was also grateful to all those who contributed pictures, notably Mr. Jayasinghe. The first copy of Volume 3 was presented to Mr. Jayasinghe. Dr. de Vlas further thanked all those who helped him compile the book.  

Copies of “Illustrated Field Guide to the Flowers of Sri Lanka Volume 3” can be purchased from the Butterfly Conservation Society of Sri Lanka (BCSSL), and will be available in book stores in the coming weeks.