He rendered a yeoman service to the community

30 October 2018 12:00 am Views - 645

22nd death anniversary of His Holiness Abdur Rasheed Thangal


The 22nd death anniversary of His Holiness Abdur Rasheed Thangal (Radi) falls on the 22nd moon of Safar, Hijri – 1440 (01.11.2018). He was born in Andhrothivu, India on 01.07.1931 and was a great saint.   

He often came to Sri Lanka to preach the true doctrine of Islam, known as “Sunnah Wal Jama’ah”. He had rendered a yeoman service to the community in various ways. He funded two Aravic Colleges namely “Minhajiyya Arabic College” in Batupitiya and “Jamiya Ghouziyya Arabic College” in Dehiwala. Many priests (Moulavis) graduate from these Arabic Colleges annually. They also preach the same doctrine.   

He was a spiritual leader and a doctor. When he was alive he had conducted “Zikr Majlis” (ceremony of remembrance of Allah) at these Arabic Colleges continuously. As a doctor, he healed diseases such as cancer and paralysis etc. among the people. After seeing his services many people were attracted. As a result, they took pledge of allegiance (Bai’ath) from him and became his disciples. He conducted a feast in the name of Ghouzul A’lam Muhyiddeen Abdul Qader Jeelani (Radi) in these Arabic Colleges annually. Even after his demise, this feast is given by the management of these Arabic Colleges continuously. 

Presently, his grandsons visit Sri Lanka to conduct this feast. May the almighty Allah show us the correct path by the blessing of him!   

S.M. Zaheer Mowlana   