Let’s save and rebuild our motherland

4 June 2022 04:44 am Views - 286

Our country is in an economic and political crisis.  In this decisive moment we must rise from the ashes of destruction and try to rebuild our beloved land in determination. It is the duty and commitment of every citizen.  This calls for sacrifice. With this view, I wish to suggest the following:

1. Fertilizer problem and agriculture
Government has to redress this problem and give priority. Farmers should be provided with chemical fertilizer and fuel for their machinery to commence farming. At the same time, people who are making compost should be encouraged to produce more. Also in every farm a certain portion of land has to be allocated to make compost continuously. Within 5 to 10 years our farmers may be able to switch over to organic fertilizer. This needs expert knowledge or agronomy along with “Age old experience of our farmers”. Then only self-sufficiency in food can be achieved.  Home farming and dairy farming should also be improved to a great extent.

2. Exports and industries relating to exports
Special attention should be given to retain and improve our apparel industry and to promote tourism. Our youth are talented and innovative. They can introduce new products for exporting. They need skill training, direction and financial support. This can be done provincial wise. Can select industries relevant to the geographical areas, for example, Coastal area: handicrafts, masks, cane and coir products etc. In North and East, palmirah products. In Central province – non-traditional exports, specially, Cinnamon, turmeric and other spices etc. 

3. Our government service is over staffed. 
If Government servants  are offered a voluntary retirement scheme with a pension. Some may accept it. For females 45 upwards and for males 50 upwards. This may cut down their personal expenses and provide time to devote for their children in higher grades.

4. Health issues and Education 
We have a population of about 22.5 million. At least, about 20 million visit government hospitals for treatment - some twice a month and some weekly. If these OPD patients are asked to pay Rs. 5 for each visit, Health Ministry can find a sufficient income to buy certain medicines (Since there is a shortage of medicine). Availability of medicine is a vital requirement of the general public.

5. Fuel Crises
Too much of vehicles on streets has aggravated the fuel issue. It also leads to congestion. If we can be less selfish and limit our vehicles for private use and try to use public transport daily for work, it is a wise move. This may not apply for certain people like medical practitioners, and other who are compelled to use private vehicles.
In rich developed countries, parliamentarians, university professors and other professionals travel by public transport. This can solve the fuel problem. Children should be sent to school by buses and vans. To make this a reality standard of the public transport should be improved. Our railway department is running at a loss. More compartments can be added to existing trains. Also train fare can be increased. First and second compartment passengers could pay higher than third and fourth compartments. Loss of the Railway department can be minimized to a higher degree. 

6. To our leaders 
Last but not least, our parliament needs to cut down its expenses, and wastage on meetings. All parliamentarians should set an example to donate a certain amount of money from their salaries and forego certain privileges, to build the COMMON WELFARE FUND. This is to help the poor.
Berney Fernando