Let’s unite in diversity

1 April 2021 02:16 am Views - 623


Disheartening to behold 
The ugly face of racism 
Raising its head 
In mother Sri Lanka. 

Like a garden of beauty 
Replete with flowers
Of various hues and diversity 
Sri Lanka is endowed with
Diverse community
Of different race, religion 
And culture
Having coexisted 
From time immemorial 
In peace unity and harmony. 

The long-standing fraternity 
Among Lanka’s community 
Has been soured and turned into 
Mistrust suspicion and acrimony 
Due to communal racial 
And religious politics 
In a quest for power, position 
And supremacy. 

Let us sink all our differences 
To nip this racism in the bud 
And take the country forward 
On the road to development 
And prosperity
Where all could live in peace 
And harmony 
With justice peace and equity. 

M. Nazim 