Lighting of a ‘Peace Candle’ for peace in Palestine

19 December 2023 12:00 am Views - 233


Rev. Rodrigo, Anglican Bishop of Colombo, led the invitees in prayer for peace to the people of Palestine.

Brother Lional Peiris read a poem by Khaled Juma 
- ‘Rascal Children of Gaza 

On December 11 the Embassy of Palestine held its traditional Christmas commemoration at the embassy premises.
This year amid the ongoing ruthless mass-killing of Palestinian civilians, including women and children, the indiscriminate targetting of buildings including hospitals, schools and the destruction of even the oldest Church in Gaza, Palestine, the Ambassador, his staff and friends of Palestine in Sri Lanka felt it was not possible to celebrate Christmas in the customary manner. 
Instead a ‘Peace Candle’ was lit and a service depicting the reality of Christmas in Palestine, was the theme of the service held at the embassy.
A mural of the Christchild born amidst the debris of bombed-out Palestine by Lojithan Ram and Ms. Dumiduni Illangasinghe formed the backdrop to the service. The thousands of little children who fell victim to Zionist attacks on the civilian population are depicted in the babies flying heavenward.
The murals brought to mind the ‘killing of the innocents’ by Jewish king Herod who ordered the killing of all first-born male infants in his bid to kill the Christ child. 
Joseph, his betrothed wife Mary and the baby Jesus were forced to flee Palestine and seek refuge in Egypt.
Christ, like the Palestinian refugees of today, was himself a refugee.
Zuhair Zaid, Ambassador for Palestine, welcomed the guests. He deplored the ongoing killings and the wanton attacks on refugee camps and other places where civilians had taken refuge.

To date nearly 18,000 Palestinian civilians have been killed by the indiscriminate bombing and missile strikes on refugee camps and targeted civilian dwellings, schools and even the UN compound where civilians sought refuge.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has declared “Gaza is becoming a graveyard for children”. 
Over the past 40 days, Israeli forces have murdered more than 5,000 children in Gaza –with an additional 1,800 children missing under the rubble of destroyed buildings; most of them presumed dead. That is, more than 6,800 Palestinian children killed over a period of 40 days. It amounts to over 170 children killed each day.
Rev. Rodrigo, Anglican Bishop of Colombo, led the invitees in prayer for peace to the people of Palestine.
Brother Lional Peiris read a poem by Khaled Juma - ‘Rascal Children of Gaza’. At the end of the reading Brother Peiris- to cheers from the audience- said “Palestine will rise again”.
His Eminence Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith speaking at the event said he was witness to the Israeli attacks on Palestinians. He reminisced on his meeting with a Palestinian woman who was sitting on the ground with her two children and weeping uncontrollably.
Going up to the lady, he enquired as to what was troubling her.
“My home has been taken over by Israeli settlers and we were driven out...” she sobbed. “We have nothing except these two bags” she said, pointing to the bags by her side. “We are waiting for a bus to take us to a refugee camp” she added, weeping uncontrollably. 

“I was young at that time and had no idea how I could comfort the lady,” the Cardinal added. ‘But I understand the suffering of the people under occupation”.
He called for an immediate halt to the Israeli attacks on Palestine and called on Hamas to cease attacks on Israeli civilians.
Tracy Holsinger was the compeare of the event, which was choreographed by Ms. Chickera and her team.
The St. Thomas’ College Prep school choir and the Negombo YMCA led the singing of carols. Mr. and Mrs. Iqbal composed and sang a song of freedom -demanding the liberation of Palestine.