My father, my hero

26 February 2022 12:50 am Views - 1383

No matter if you were his age, younger or even a teenager or child, daddy had a way of connecting with you


February 27 marks my father’s 85th birthday, an auspicious anniversary of the birth of my father, my hero. Much has been said about the special bond between father and daughter and mother and son. I can fully endorse that the bond I had with my father, Mohamed Muzzammil Mansoor, was indeed the most special, unbreakable bond ever imaginable. My daddy was, is and always will be my role model and the man I hold in greatest esteem.

Daddy left us on October 20, 2021 at the age of 84. He had lived a full, rewarding life. He taught us all many values and habits, which have carried us in good stead. Many would marvel at his extreme punctuality which kept us all on our toes. Seven pm for daddy, actually meant 6.50! I do not think there is any person with more integrity and generosity than my father. His sincere honesty led to many of his problems in this corrupt, dishonest world we live in, but daddy held his head high, priding himself that he had done the right thing.

Daddy had recently become one of my biggest fans and an avid supporter of the work I have passionately ventured into. He contacted people on my behalf and even invited me to become involved in events he had access to, just to spread awareness and give my cause a venue to be shared. Without daddy’s support, I now have no one. No one else supported me except for my father. He was my lifeline and best friend, someone I could talk to about anything and everything! This certainly does not mean we always saw eye to eye on everything, but explaining and reasoning always leads to healthy debate and discussion. And of course, lifelong learning!

Daddy’s one fervent prayer throughout his life was for him to never become a burden onto others and to be able to live an independent life of freedom. Hence, when he moved into my home in September 2018, we gave him his own space so he could live an independent and happy life. He was proud of his plants and small garden which invited many species of birds. His prayers were answered, as when he left this world, he was completely alone, not being a burden on anyone else, and in his full senses. This made me sad at first, but I took strength in knowing this is what he wanted so badly. And God granted his wish.

Daddy had the best sense of humour and he entertained his family with humorous anecdotes and memories to bring a smile to everyone’s face. We have heard many stories about his love of fast cars, especially Mercedes Benz and BMW, racing in Zambia and Malawi, his wonderful years in Mobile, Alabama and surviving a hurricane, his years as a student in the UK and driving on the Interlaken. No matter if you were his age, younger or even a teenager or child, daddy had a way of connecting with you. He had the incredible knack at being a fantastic listener and counselor. So, it was no surprise when he had his calling to help out at Sri Lanka Sumithrayo. The work he did to assist and sustain the organization, is remarkable. His dream for many years was also to start a hospice for family members of the patients at the Cancer Hospital, Maharagama.

Daddy was quite shattered when we lost mummy ten years ago. He seemed lost and full of regrets. My heart went out to him, as he tried to pick up the pieces and move on. If there was one thing daddy cared about most, it was his family, especially his grandchildren. Each of them has their own cherished memories of their loving grandfather. From trips to Malwana to pluck rambutang, to horse-riding lessons, fixing problems on his phone or computer, light shopping expeditions to Odel, finding his favourite Hindi songs on Youtube, to cosy lunches and dinners together, they revelled in the love of a lavish, lionhearted grandfather.

Daddy was my rock. My pillar of strength. With daddy by my side, I knew I could face anything, and I felt I could conquer the world! I feel so alone right now, with the wind sucked out of me; and I still hear his voice echoing through the corridors of my home. Daddy, you are my hero, my confidante, and my special friend. The void you have left in my life is huge, but I know you will be beside me every step I take from now till the end of time. I love you daddy, and I always will!
-Thasneema Dahlan-