20 April 2019 12:00 am Views - 258


The appointed hour had come, yet   
He did not cling to His equality with God   
He could have assuaged the Father’s justice   
With a simple word, a single sigh   
But, His love went beyond time and space   
A love unfathomable!   
He was the author of man’s salvation   
His mercy – divine, inexhaustible!   
Whipped, scourged, crowned with thorns   
Falling in agony only to rise again   
The Son of God now more worm than man!   
His absolute self-abasement eloquently portrayed   
Love hanging on a tree!   
Scorn of mankind – jest of the people   
Wordlessly imploring   
‘Love one another as I have loved thee’   
“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”   
The final surrender agony beyond comprehension   
Yet, even in His darkest house He manifested   
The power, the glory, the wonder of His love   
“Father forgive!”   
Love far beyond the grave – by dying and rising   
He turned darkness into dawning   
And led us through death’s gates to eternal life   
Almighty King of heaven and earth, Gracious Saviour   
Thou did death destroy and our lives redeem   
In the daily lives we live   
Let the joy and love of the Risen Christ be seen.   
Karen Mortier