Remembering P.C. Fernando on his 20th death anniversary

20 October 2018 12:00 am Views - 1446

Mr. P.C. Fernando passed away 20 years ago, on 23rd October, 1998, at the age of 64 years. He was born to a very respectable family on 2nd April, 1934.  

He graduated from Peradeniya University and was a very Senior Class I Officer of the Sri Lanka Administrative Service. Luckily I had the opportunity of working for him since 1982 when he was the secretary at the Ministry of State Plantations till his transfer to the Ministry of Fisheries in 1990. He retired from service prematurely in 1991 for personal reasons at the age of 57 years.  

He was extremely a kind hearted, peace – loving, very good tempered, upright and generous gentleman of par excellence who led a simple, honourable and tranquil life throughout. First class decision making efficient officer who dealt everything meticulously, shrewdly, scrupulously and promptly.  

The period of my working under him was remarkably the best one for me out of my 37 years of service; because, though he was my Boss, he never bossed me or dictated terms and orders, and had implicit trust in me. Accordingly, allowed me to perform my duties freely and independently, without any interferences. Besides, he looked after me very well without any discrimination what-so-ever. Similarly, he moved with everybody in a friendly manner and harnessed the full potential from the limited number of staffs available and got the maximum quanta of work done by them in a very harmonious manner.  

Apart from the Ministrial functions, he solely handled the family welfare supervisors’ project for the estates that had been funded by the U.N.F.P.A for several years which he had able to accomplish successfully in a marvellous manner.  In addition, he was entrusted with the Tree Crop (Tea) Rehabilitation Project work, funded by the World Bank and that too was well done and completed within the target period and that had been very highly commended by the Treasury and the World Bank at a Seminar held in Washington.  

P.C. Fernando’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Murdu Fernando is in the judicial service and recently she was promoted to the post of Supreme Court judge which is an enviable achievement and it is a great honour for the family in general. If Mr. P.C. Fernando had been alive by now, certainly he would have been very highly delighted over her helm of success in her profession. What a pity that Mr. P.C. Fernando is no more to rejoice over her professional success.  

My Boss, Mr. P.C. Fernando had been very helpful to me officially and personally and I am ever grateful to him. Specially during the communal riots that erupted in July, 1983, when all our belongings, house, etc., were set on fire and we were left mere destitute, with the only clothes we were wearing on that day. At that dangerous and precarious situation, Mr. P.C. Fernando boldly came to the place where we were sheltered, rushing his life to our rescue and brought us to the Refugee Camp for safety of our lives by his car. Also provided us with food, clothing, etc.  
According to our sacred Thirukkural, ‘Helping the people at a crucial moment when they are in difficulty is far more greater than the world.’ As such, I gratefully remember and pay my tribute to my Boss, Mr. P.C. Fernando on his 20th Death Anniversary. May he rest in peace in the Arms of Jesus! Also, I invoke his blessing on all his dear and loved ones.  
Suppiah Thiyagaraja