Sprucing up our treasures in commemoration of the 71st anniversary of Sri Lanka Navy

3 January 2022 04:28 am Views - 504


The Sri Lanka Navy organised a magnanimous initiative on Sunday, December 19, 2021 in commemoration of the 71st anniversary. As part of its wide range of events held island wide celebrating the milestone, was the cleaning programme which was held at the Uswetakeiyawa Beach under the patronage of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Navy, Commander Western Naval Area and Commandant of Volunteer Naval Force, Rear Admiral Upul De Silva. 
The programme commenced in the early hours of the day, with all participants being given gloves and garbage bags prior to combing the beaches which sadly contained our nemesis; polythene bags, biscuit wrappers, plastic bottles and the worst – glass bottles. Some of these bottles were smashed, leaving shards of glass which had to be carefully collected by the participants of this much needed venture. 

"The Western Naval Command conducted a special cleaning programme to remove solid debris including plastic and polythene in the Hamilton Canal spanning a 5 km radius stretching from Kelani river to the Negombo Lagoon with the intention of preventing these harmful debris entering the ocean"

Sri Lanka Navy has been conducting regular beach cleaning programmes in each naval command to prevent extensive damage to the marine ecosystem due to reckless disposal of plastic, polythene and other harmful items. 
Accordingly, the Western Naval Command conducted a special cleaning programme to remove solid debris including plastic and polythene in the Hamilton Canal spanning a 5 km radius stretching from Kelani river to the Negombo Lagoon with the intention of preventing these harmful debris entering the ocean through these estuaries. 

The programme was successfully conducted with the unstinted support of many individuals and organisations such as COMWEST with the blessings of the Navy Vice Admiral, Nisantha Ulugetanne , Oceanlust Magazine, Men in Whites Navy Veterans, Sea Cleaners France, Young Mariners Club,  Cenora Foundation, naval personal of the Western Pradeshiya Sabha, Land Reclamation and Development Corporation, Department of Coast Conservation and Coastal Resource Management, Marine Environment Protection Authority, public and private sector institutions and the fisheries community of each area. The beach cleanup programme at Uswetakeiyawa too which ran parallel to the above saw the participation of retired naval personnel, their families among others. The events were conducted with strict adherence to Covid-19 protocols.

"What made this particular event all the more lively was the music, food and camaraderie which the Sri Lanka Navy provided to all"

What made this particular event all the more lively was the music, food and camaraderie which the Sri Lanka Navy provided to all. At the start we were offered a wholesome herbal porridge and midway we were invited to partake of the breakfast spread in which we, the civilians were able to speak to the visionaries of this particular programme along with other respective officers who are equally passionate about promoting the ocean and its environs which we as Islanders should value.