“Sri Lanka’s Major Development Projects, Not Delayed due to Pandemic “- Head, NOCPCO

10 June 2021 02:02 am Views - 437


With the valuable inputs of all economic stakeholders’ seaports were continuously in operation amidst the Pandemic. Accordingly, the health safety precautions of the employees at the ports were designed, and have been functioning successfully the port operations by now

 “Despite the restrictions due to COVID 19 pandemic, Sri Lanka has been committed to continuing the building of necessary infrastructure and service facilities for industrial and business advancement, which is a significant prerequisite external and internal economic partnership. Sri Lanka’s major development projects and infrastructure projects were not delayed due to the Pandemic, and also, the health and safety of the workers have never been compromised

As I said before, I wish to reemphasize that Sri Lanka is a land of opportunities and invite this forum for improved connectivity, trusted cooperation, and strategic economic partnership reaping mutual benefits


General Shavendra Silva, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army was one of the distinguished guest speakers to the ongoing 2nd day (7-9 June) virtual online sessions at the Sri Lanka Investment  Forum (SLIF) on Tuesday (8). He was invited as one of  Expert Resource Personnel to speak on the topic ‘Managing the COVID 19 Pandemic, Protecting Life, Livelihood, and Economic Progress’ as the  Head, National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) in Sri Lanka. Over 65 countries joined the seminar, themed “Sri Lanka-Asia’s Next Growth Heaven”.  

“Despite the restrictions due to COVID 19 pandemic, Sri Lanka has been committed to continuing the building of necessary infrastructure and service facilities for industrial and business advancement, which is a significant prerequisite external and internal economic partnership. Sri Lanka’s major development projects and infrastructure projects were not delayed due to the Pandemic, and also, the health and safety of the workers have never been compromised. We have emphasized on safe tourism, giving the guarantee to long-and short-term tourists that Sri Lanka is a safe destination. We are in the process of developing and improving the ‘Bio Secure Bubble’ in tourism, sports, and diplomatic visits. Sri Lanka has proven its competencies in providing a bio secure environment from the port of landing back to the departure. In this aspect, we have readjusted infrastructure, transport, food and beverage and health facilities to provide cutting edge and quality service,” General Shavendra Silva pointed out.

“Sri Lanka being a centrally situated country in the Indian Ocean understands the value of sea transportation, back-loading operations and re-exports. Also, we value the expectations of the friendly foreign countries worldwide and their necessity of providing uninterrupted sea transportation of goods and supplies in which Sri Lanka plays a vital role. This aspect was widely considered from the beginning of the battle against the COVID 19. With the valuable inputs of all economic stakeholders’ seaports were continuously in operation amidst the Pandemic. Accordingly, the health safety precautions of the employees at the ports were designed, and have been functioning successfully the port operations by now.


Accordingly, the health safety precautions of the employees at the ports were designed, and have been functioning successfully the port operations by now


Talking about the way forward, I would like to highlight two aspects. First, what makes Sri Lanka Special in this pandemic situation, and second what lies ahead of us in the post-pandemic transition period. As I said earlier, first, we understand that Sri Lanka is located in a blessed and important position in the World Map, making it a centralized, focused and strategic land piece in the Indian Ocean. 

Secondly, we understand the entire world is disturbed by the COVID 19 pandemic, and the world is eying for new strategic, business, industrial and service partners to ensure the resilience of their economy, taking a lesson from this pandemic situation. 

If we superimpose the strategic location of Sri Lanka, it is possible to identify the opportunities that can reap mutual benefits to Sri Lanka and partners around the world. I believe, Sri Lanka is unique and land of opportunities for economic partnerships as of today. Thus, what lays ahead of us in time to come is the building of fruitful and mutually benefitting relationships with commercial partners around the globe,” the Commander of the Sri Lanka Army explained.

The vaccination programme which has been the main focus of the Government is being carried out covering the entire island considering the spread and the prevalence of the virus, where the governments’ cordial diplomatic ties have facilitated to get down the vaccinations. Also, we are in the process of getting down adequate vaccines in future as well. Through this, we expect to shield the entire population from COVID 19 by the end of 2021 to early 2022, allowing the workforce, economic pillars, economic counterparts and general public to run the country for advancement.


Also, we are in the process of getting down adequate vaccines in future as well. Through this, we expect to shield the entire population from COVID 19 by the end of 2021 to early 2022, allowing the workforce, economic pillars, economic counterparts and general public to run the country for advancement


“Second, we understand the entire world is disturbed by the COVID 19 pandemic, and the world is eying for new strategic, business, industrial and service partners to ensure the resilience of their economy, taking a lesson from COVID 19 pandemic”. 

“If we superimpose the strategic location of Sri Lanka, it is possible to identify the opportunities that can reap mutual benefits to Sri Lanka and partners around the world. I believe, Sri Lanka is unique and land of opportunities for economic partnerships as of today. Thus, what lays ahead of us in time to come is the building of fruitful and mutually benefitting relationships with commercial partners around the globe”.

“As I said before, I wish to reemphasize that Sri Lanka is a land of opportunities and invite this forum for improved connectivity, trusted cooperation, and strategic economic partnership reaping mutual benefits.” General Shavendra Silva pointed out.