‘Sri Maha Bodhiya’ lay trustee families offer merit to ancestors

19 December 2023 12:00 am Views - 564

Descendant family members of the Nuwarawewa Suriyakumara Wannisinghe Bulankulame family, who are the lay trustees of the Sri Maha Bodhiya at Anuradhapura, held a Pinkama at the Adhahana Maluwa Gedigei of the Asgiriya Temple facilitated by the Upali Thera recently. 
This was to commemorate and offer merit to their ancestors who protected the sacred tree after the Bo-sapling was brought to Sri Lanka in 3rd Century BC by Sanghamitta Theri, the daughter of Emperor Dharmashoka in India.  
Members of the Suriyakumara Wannisinghe Bulankulame (S.W. Bulankulame) family are descendants of the Royal Princes who accompanied Sanghamitta Theri and the Bo-sapling and settled in the Nuwara Kalaviya Region of the North-Central Province.

The events in Kandy commenced with the offering of a Buddha Pooja, alms giving and Pirikara (offerings) to the Chief Priests including the Atamasthanadhipathi Pallegama Hemarathana Thera, Parus-elle Nandha Thera of the Asgiriya chapter and the clergy from temples in the former Kandyan Kingdom. This was followed by an ‘Anusashanawa’ and offering of merit to deceased ancestors. 
The religious events were attended by descendant families of the Bulankulames,  Hurulles, Rambukwelles, Ratwattes, Panabokkes, Kapuwattes, Gopallawas, Nugawelas, Senanayakes, Weerasinghes and Tennekoons.
The event culminated with a family reunion at The Kandy Club followed by a presentation of the research by archaeologist Deepanjanee Ellepola of the Department of Archaeology, Sri Lanka. The topic was ”The history and legacy of Sri Maha Bodhi’s lay custodianship. 
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The function was organised by the S.W. Bulankulame Trust under the guidance of Dr.S.W. Janaka Bulankulame, the current Chief Lay Custodian of the Sri Maha Bodhiya and Atamasthanaya along with the Members of the Organzing Committee.