Trinity College OBA Colombo branch Stages Carol Service

6 December 2023 12:24 am Views - 607


The Old Boys Association of Trinity College Kandy (Colombo Branch) will be hosting its inaugural carol service on December 7 (Thursday).  As the College turns 150 years, its past pupils are getting together to celebrate the festive season. 
The choir is being trained by former chorister, Rev. Wilson Gnanadas, a choir leader in the 70’s, while the organ accompaniment will be given by Lael Peiris. As the old boys reach the final hours of their practice sessions before they stage their performance, what is remarkable about this event is its choice of location. 

According to a press release issued by the College, the carol service will be held at Christ Church, Galle Face, adding much significance to the event particularly to the Trinitians.  Christ Church was begun by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) founded in London back in 1799. Being the largest missionary society in the world, the CMS sent four missionaries to Ceylon back in 1818 to setup schools and to work among the people.


The choir is being trained by former chorister, Rev. Wilson Gnanadas, a choir leader in the 70’s, while the organ accompaniment will be given by Lael Peiris. As the College turns 150 years, its past pupils are getting together to celebrate the festive season


The first missionary arrived in 1850. In 1853, Christ Church at Galle Face was built and in 1857 it is the same mission which established Trinity College. The inspiration to stage a carol service had come about when the old boys who had already been performing an impromptu carol performance following the Kandy Leg of the Bradby shield were commended for their talents. Following a series of chats and discussions, the old boys then decided to showcase their performances to a wider audience. The choir, which is a reunion of sorts, comprises old boys from diverse age groups, including past pupils who were trained under Trinity College’s pioneer choir master Major Gordon Burrows. The choir plans to perform 12 songs out of which four are for the congregation to join in. 
   The event will be held on December 7 (Thursday) at Christ Church, Galle Face, from 6.30pm.