18 August 2023 12:01 am Views - 373



Piyadassi – true to his name, Most Venerable Piyadassi Maha  Thera was pleasing to behold; a smile always flickered on his face, as  the Thera was meeting with and speaking to anyone. A saintly, serene  figure that was often seen in the precincts of the Vajirarama Vihara.  Soft-spoken, gentle, a true son of the Tathāgata, nurtured in the  illustrious traditions of the Vajirarama, tutored in the Dhamma by holy  guru Most Venerable Pelene Vajiragnana Maha Thera; sharing the wealth of  knowledge in the Dhamma with equally saintly brother Bhikkhus Most  Venerables Narada, Pannaseeha, Kassapa et al.   

Piyadassi Thera, disciplined and virtuous, is best known  for carrying the Buddha’s gentle teachings to the World beyond the  shores of Sri Lanka to the West. In flawless English, with clear and simple  words, Piyadassi Thera enamoured the audiences in the West with the  timeless truths of the Buddha’s word. Many hours would have been spent  by Venerable Piyadassi to transfer the knowledge possessed into writings  that are still read, admired and shared all over the world. These books  portray the timeless teachings of boundless loving-kindness Metta, boundless compassion Karuna and boundless wisdom Panna.

As a young school girl at Visakha Vidyalaya, I recall  Venerable Piyadassi was a regular presence (when not travelling  overseas) Our guru in the Dhamma each Friday morning an hour of bliss we  all looked forward to, so beautiful was the sermon, so serene and calm  was the presence of this great Bhikkhu we still remember with reverence  and adoration.   
Piyadassi Thera was always a pleasure to behold, neatly  donned in the yellow-brown robes of a Theravada Bhikkhu, ever so calm  and composed. Venerable Maha Thera Piyadassi stands out like a star in  the Western horizon, expounding the Dhamma, the timeless salient truths  that the Buddha realized and gave unto those that had little dust in  their eyes.   
Today, the 25th year of the passing of Piyadassi Maha Thera,  we bow in reverence and honour the memory of this distinguished, noble  disciple of the Buddha, a foremost Bhikkhu of the Vajirarama Vihara.   


A gentle smile, adorns the Thera’s 
saintly face,   
A smile that makes an encounter memorable   
Always a pleasure to behold – PIYA-DASSI   
That indeed is symbolic of the Venerable’s name:   
In lucid, clear spoken, simple words Maha Thera Piyadassi   
Captivated the audiences from across the World,   
With the Buddha’s gentle life,   
The Teachings so beloved and soothing,   
They who had never known the Buddha,   
Our Thera in his flawless English, brought to life…   
Now, Twenty-Five years on, after he is gone…   
Still remembered, ever venerated,   
For the gift of Truth that Our Maha Thera   
Shared in abundance through words,   
Through the many writings,   
Gathering, sharing the spectrum of the Dhamma   
Far and wide to the World beyond   
The shores of Sri Lanka.   
With worshipful reverence to our Guru in the Dhamma – Maha Thera Piyadassi   
Srima Warusawithana Calgary, Canada (Past pupil of Vajirarama Dhamma School 1954-1959)