Port City Commission not an omnipotent body- Minister

31 May 2021 12:00 am Views - 253

By Kelum Bandara

Allaying what he called misconceptions and apprehensions about the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, Education Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris said the new law will operate well within the framework of the structures and institutions which are part and parcel of the constitution of Sri Lanka.   

In a virtual press briefing, the Minister who is also a professor of law said there is unwarranted fear that the new piece of legislation enacted incidentally by two-thirds of Parliament would be an affront to the democratic values contained in the basic law of the constitution of the country.   

He also said there was no truth in the allegation that the powers of Parliament, as the sole repository overseeing public finance of this country, would be diminished. The Minister said tax concessions or incentives could be given by the port city commission only in terms of regulations approved by Parliament. Otherwise, he said it was not an omnipotent body deciding on such matters arbitrarily and capriciously.   

Commenting on allegations that the economic zone would be meant exclusively for investors from China, he said it is open for investors from all countries.   

“There is no exclusivity whatsoever. It is true that China has made a great contribution to the development of our country. That is acknowledged with deep appreciation. China has been instrumental in adding to Sri Lanka’s territory. It is not excessively for the benefit of investors from China. Doors are open for all,” he said.