Wreckage of Passara “Killer Bus” retrieved

29 March 2021 12:07 am Views - 643

By Prasad Rukmal- Ella  

The wreckage of the ill- fated bus that met with an accident at the 13th km. post on the Lunugala- Colombo Road was lifted from the precipice on Saturday evening with tremendous effort, Police said.

 It is said that the herculean task  had taken more than a week.   

The bus had veered off the road when it attempted to avoid a boulder obstructing the road and a head on collision with a tipper and had plunged down a 250ft- deep- precipice. The accident had claimed the lives of 14 passengers and caused serious injuries to 31 others.   

The wreckage was loaded into a lorry and transported to the Passara Police Station.