A public servant needs a sound mind

21 January 2014 06:30 pm Views - 3367

Rodney Fraser

 Popular actor and well-known public servant, Rodney Fraser will be contesting the upcoming Provincial Council elections representing the United National Party (UNP). In a discussion with the , he said he was not contesting just to go along with the trend, but to serve the public better.

Q For more than a decade you were a member of the Maharagama Municipal Council. Why did you suddenly decide to contest Provincial Council elections?
I have to say that this is not a sudden decision. I believe this is the best time for me to contest the Provincial Council. My political journey began twelve years ago. I have learnt from scratch. With the experience I have with the Municipal Council I can serve better.

Q Does that mean that you cannot carry out your political work when you are with the Municipal Council?
No, that is not what I meant. But when we are with the Municipal Council we get limited funds. With that it is impossible to carry on development work. But in the Provincial Council we get around Rs. 50 lakhs as funds for public work, and for an organiser another amount. With all this money, together we can do a greater service.

Q This means that your sole purpose of contesting is the funds you receive?
Absolutely not! My concern is public service and as I told you earlier I am a public servant for more than a decade. I am a teacher and an artiste. I have been exposed to many sectors of society. I am not alien to politics. I have started from scratch and I do have knowledge about what is happening around me and the current political scenario. Since I have been in the Municipal Council for twelve years it is time for me to move forward.
I am the Opposition leader of the Maharagama MC. And in 2011 I received more votes than the President of the Council. When she has a lot of backing from her husband, getting more votes myself means people have vested their trust in me. Unlike many parachute jumpers I have a background. Without getting stuck in one place it is time to expand the social service to many. With the funds allocated for the development work I hope I can do more for the people.

Q There seems to be a trend now where many actors, actresses and media personalities contest for the upcoming election. Are you also a part of this trend?
As you know, yes I am an actor. But as well as a teacher I have taught a number of students. I have been teaching students in the area for more than a decade. I do not contest under “popular” label.
I have been a public servant for years and will be continuing that. Acting is just one side of me.  I have never attempted to get votes just because I am an actor. I came so far because of what I have been doing for the people. Just being popular would not have brought me here. Hence I am not a part of this trend.

Q Many popular personalities seem to contest for the Provincial Council. What is your opinion with regard to that?
Any person whether he or she is an actor, actress or media personality has a right to vote and even a right to contest. There is no doubt about that. The problem is whether they are actually qualified. This is the only profession which does not require any sort of education or qualification. Indeed, to serve the public there is no need of paper qualifications. But you need a sound mind. Some of the people who have got elected and some who are going to contest seem to have no common sense at all. They do not know the basics.  It is essential for a public servant to be exposed from the bottom to top levels. Being popular might bring you up there. But survival in this fraternity will be a problem. We must question ourselves whether most of the people who have got selected have actually done a service.

"Any person whether he or she is an actor, actress or media personality has a right to vote and even a right to contest. The problem is whether they are actually qualified. This is the only profession which does not require any sort of education or qualification"

There might be politicians in future who are drug dealers. We are in fact in a dangerous situation. In the early days we had politicians who were educated, respectable and were actual people’s representatives. The true meaning of a politician seems to be declining.
Also there are many issues which artistes face. But has anyone given them a solution? There are many artistes in Parliament. None of them have been able to address the issues which the industry faces.

Q If you get elected would you serve artistes? Do you have any other plans?
Of course. If I get elected I would serve on behalf of the artistes.  But mostly I hope to work towards the betterment of the education sector. I have been with students for many years and as a teacher I have the experience and I know what is needed. Also, I have certain confidential information with regard to certain injustices and malpractices. I have voiced out against certain things but I am prepared to reveal more once I get elected.

Q Are you confident that you will win?
Yes I am confident. As I said I am not an alien. I have been in politics for more than a decade. So I am positive.

Q Did you receive invitations from the government? Would you consider joining the government or any other ally in the future?
I have received invitations from the government previously and this time also. But I will never leave the UNP. I started my journey with the UNP and will be with them forever. I am a man with principles. Hence irrespective of the offers I get I will never ever leave.
There may be certain issues in the party. But we have come to an agreement with those. I am positive about the UNP’s victory in the upcoming elections. We might have to face certain difficulties along with the government’s tactics to gain attention and destroy party’s image. Yet I believe even among them we will conquer.