Pit bulls in glass houses are hurling stones at us
24 February 2014 08:38 pm
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Pit bulls and bulldogs are ardent followers of their self - created 11th Commandment: “Thou shall not commit war crimes as we did and still do”
By Dhyan Abeyagoonasekera
“According to some ‘Whites in the West’, our government is responsible for war crimes and disregarding human rights during the last three days of the ‘war’ against the LTTE. And they are hoping to use their pet tool the UNHCR to whack the government for such crimes they had supposedly committed. D-Day is somewhere in March. One thing bugs me; how can a 30-year-old struggle with a terrorist group–the Tamil Tigers who were on the rampage, be considered a war?” Shelton Perera, the owner of the Wallside Restaurant and Bar eyes roving through the pages of a book: “Unpunished War Criminals” written by Ken McTucky posed an interesting question.
It is stamping out terrorism
“I wouldn’t call it a war but the stamping out by the government of heartless brutes who killed ordinary men, women and children. So, I can’t understand why the Whites of the West as you referred to them, and some others are saying that our government is answerable for so-called crimes in the stamping out process of terrorists,” observed Joy, Shelton’s wife who was fondling Tommo a pussycat employed at Wallside. His pal and working partner, Ooty, an owl, dozed on a chair nearby.
“Precisely,” snorted Shelton, “and when you consider that wars are primarily crimes because so many people die in them, how can there be another type of crime in a war? I know, I know, the Whites of the West manufactured things like the Geneva Convention that laid down what is right and what is wrong when human beings kill each other over some silly thing. But foxy rules and regulations were not for them–but for others like our government to follow. Also, American pit bulls habitually behave like terrorists themselves while British bull dogs are no better. When they ‘think’ or are briefed by former local Tamilians gone pariah in the West that we have committed ‘war crimes’ the pit bulls have acquired a mechanism to investigate and punish those found responsible.”
Joy sipping tea, said, “What’s important is that if there are things called war crimes everybody should be answerable to them...”
American war crimes
“That’s the problem,” intervened Shelton, “it’s not happening: it never did. Take the Americans chasing after us on so-called war crimes. The Pilgrim Fathers slaughtered Red Indians and took over their lands; later they kidnapped African blacks and used them as slave labour; they atom bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing thousands of Jap civilians; decades on, they dumped two million tons of bombs over Laos over 9 years killing 30,000 civilians. They landed more bombs on Cambodia for six years killing 450,000 to 600,000. Unexploded bombs also killed 25, 000 civilians in Laos, while 3.9 million Cambodians lived in refugee camps. The Americans openly flouted Geneva Conventions and the UN Declaration of Human Rights, didn’t they?”
Joy was flabbergasted. “Oh my God, from where do you get those numbers?”
“They are right in here,” said Shelton waving the book he was reading.
“When asked the reasons for that carnage, an American big shot had said: ‘Well, we couldn’t have our planes sitting around with nothing to do, could we?’ A well-known journalist described it as ‘the most appalling episode of lawless cruelty in American history’. ”
“Unbelievable,” said Joy,” and these are the people accusing us of war crimes?”
“Surprisingly, as a great democratic nation, preaching democratic rights, the answer is ‘yes’. Then they aided Indonesia to massacre almost a million leftists and sent arms for ethnical ‘cleansing’ there that killed 60, 000 civilians. They are still killing civilians through drone attacks in Pakistan. Aren’t they war crimes? According to the pit bulls ‘their actions were necessary for national security’...”
“They are yet at it quite freely aren’t they?” interrupted Joy.
Top American war criminals
“Sure. According to this McTucky, there are top American war criminals who are as free as bald eagles today. According to him former US secretary of defence Robert McNamara helped to kill 2 to 3 million Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laotians and around 50, 000 American soldiers who were ordered to fight in that war. Today McNamara is free. Henry Kissinger, a former US secretary of state also had a hand in it. After winning the Nobel Prize for Peace, he too is free.
“Another guilty party who went unpunished is Bill Clinton who ordered the bombing of Yugoslavia and Iraq that killed thousands of civilians. Madeline Albright then secretary of state under Clinton agreed with punitive action against Iraq that resulted in the deaths of 500,000 children. After that she had the brass to say the sanctions were ‘worth it’. She is also walking around freely today. Murdoch the newsman was responsible for thousands of deaths and millions of refugees through media encouragement of harsh US policy. Among other misdoings Bush senior encouraged the Iran-Iraq war that killed a million people. Bush junior was no better than daddy. He conducted two wars causing 100,000 US, Iraq and Afghani deaths. The man rejected the Geneva Convention and considered the US Constitution as ‘A Goddamned piece of paper’.” Shaking Mactucky’s book, Shelton said, “You should read this Darlo, it’s all in here.”
Joy asked pointedly, “So, why only us? Anyone can see it’s so unfair and lopsided.”
The LTTE committed the biggest war crimes
“Exactly; the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam was responsible for suicide bombers, recruiting child soldiers, assassinating and massacring law abiding people, government ministers, important heads of government and political parties, religious dignitaries...the list goes on.”
“You don’t have to tell me Shelley,” said Joy, “every Sri Lankan knows how they suffered in the hands of the LTTE over 30 years. The government had no choice but to bring the merciless terrorists down to protect the people.”
“You have a point, Darlo. LTTE atrocities go into volumes. The question is why no members of the LTTE labelled and banned as a terrorist group across the world face are charged with war crimes? Where is the equality of justice? What we see is the hypocrisy of Americans, their allies and the United Nations that has become a huge joke.”
India: RAW, IPKF
“Shelley, you have forgotten the Indians,” murmured Joy.
“No, I haven’t, and McTucky hasn’t missed them either,” said Shelton turning the pages of ‘Unpunished War Criminals’. “From the training of LTTE fellows in Tamil Nadu and backing it, RAW clandestine programmes and the Indian Peace Keeping Force, we all know what India did. The 100,000 strong IPKF is reported to have killed 6000 to 10,000 Tamil civilians. They plundered, harassed ordinary Tamils and raped their women. That behaviour was nonchalantly explained away by an Indian brigadier. ‘The Indian army are not angels...rape happens even in the West.’ And nothing happened to India.”
“So, who is to bludgeon the bullying Big Brother and the White hypocrites?”
“Nobody; they are too strong. But Americans like Julian Assange of Wikileaks and Bradley Manning an IT hacker exposed US war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and US spying on the UN and also friendly countries. And a guy by the name of Snowden added more fuel to the Manning fire. The news they leaked proved that the Americans are a very nasty lot indeed.”
Geneva is round the corner
The owl who had been all ears to their master’s and mistresses’ conversation and aghast at what the Yanks had done and still do brought up the subject with pussy over brunch in the Wallside kitchen. “I say Tommo, the American and British governors are a law on to themselves, no?”
“Meeoowwohyeah, (ohyeah)” replied pussy who knew all about the festering issue. “Everyone knows damn well that the pit bulls and their pals pretending to be as pure as virgins bathing in milk in the temples of Atlantis are answerable for stacks of war crimes. But they put keep putting them ‘right’ through gab and muscle. These days, Uncle Sam aided and abetted by John Bull is flexing his biceps to use an agenda in Geneva to chain our governors’ government on ‘war crimes and infringements of human rights’ during the last days of the war.”“Thuhoooot! That’s very, very funny.”
"When wars are primarily crimes because so many people die in them, how can there be another type of crime in a war?"
“Purshsh! But there’s more to it than meets the eye. The pit bulls and their gang have seen our governors’ government trotting away in an eastern direction seeking friendship and alms to keep going. And a powerful empire has obliged. In return it has been bestowed with out-of -this -world favours too. Worse, the regime repeatedly showing scant respect for ‘heel’ orders have made the pit bulls nervous they are losing clout over the Yinjun zone. So now, the pit bulls are pushing for a regime change through charges of war crimes etc. and replace it with a new obliging “Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir’ one.”
“Thuhooot! But, why are pit bulls harping on war crimes? Can’t they use violations of ‘democratic rights’ by the regime some governors shout about?”
“Can’t do; they fall under internal affairs that are difficult to handle. Besides, getting a guilty verdict on crimes and infringements of human rights during the war results in serious repercussions to those found guilty. The Geneva do in March is a pit bull scheme to knock out the present regime off its pedestal. So, much depends on the quality of the punches and fighting techniques of our governors’ reps in the ring in Geneva.”
“Whooom, whooom, would the Ruskies and Chinese growl from the ringside, ‘We are friends of Lanka; so, no punching below the belt, right?’”
“Purrshsh! Considering the wheels turning with in wheels of politics and politiccas that run the machinery, who can say what will happen in Geneva?”