When people lose sight of the law

29 July 2014 07:26 pm Views - 2248

‘IsaidI wouldslap them both’

Excerpts fromthe interview with MP Nimal Wijesinghe

It has been reported that a politician of the ruling party recently assaulted a Grama Niladhari in the Rideegama area in Kurunegala. Our sister paper, Sunday Lankadeepa had a discussion with the Kurunegala District MP Nimal Wijesinghe (alias Nilvala Wijesinghe) who is accused of assaulting the Grama Niladhari.

QWhat is this incident about?

A high tension transmission line of 33,000 volts of electricity is being laid across our area under the “Pupudamu Wayamba “ Project. In this connection, the Electricity Board has authorised people to cut trees that needed to be removed with the approval of the divisional secretary. This incident occurred when branches of one of these trees were being cut.

"I have a
self respect as a parliamentarian and the chairman of the coordination committee of the area. I also told them I won’t hit them as it would be highlighted in the following day’s papers"

Q   what is your involvement in this matter.

As the chairman of the Rideegama  Regional Coordination Committee I went  to the place where this incident took place after receiving a telephone call from one of the residents complaining that the Grama Niladari of the  area threatened him when they were about to cut the branches of trees marked by the CEB. He also informed me that the GN had not objected to the   Samurdi Niyamaka of the Ambakote division who had cut two trees without a permit.

Q How did you respond?

I asked the person who phoned me to tell the GN to speak to me if he is at the site as I wanted to know the exact situation.

Q Did the GN speak to you?

No, not the GN but someone else did. But I heard the GN saying: ‘ I don’t want to answer calls from irrelevant  persons.’ When I asked the caller who the GN was, he said he was a new GN to the area.

Q What did the people at the site tell you?

They were all in an angry mood as the GN had obstructed them from cutting branches of the trees marked by the CEB. They also asked me to look into the matter as the chairman of coordination committee.

Q Did you meet the GN?

He was not there at the time. I told the people I would meet the GN and try to solve the problem.

Q Where did you meet the GN?

I met him at about 2.00 pm the same day at the site where a transformer was being installed. When I was travelling to my place in my jeep, I saw him with another GN on a
motorcycle. It seemed they were trying to avoid me. However I called out to them.

Q What did you ask them?

 I asked about the problem. The GN said there was no problem and that he was doing a formal duty. I told him he was free to do his duties, but that he was expected to answer my call as the chairman of the coordination committee in the area.

QHow did he explain his conduct?

He said “I know MP’s duties. What I did was only to stop people doing something illegal.  We have police powers and can do anything”. He was very rude.

Q Did you get angry then?

 Naturally. No one will tolerate when a new GN talks that way. I scolded both of them and told not to speak irresponsibly. I also told the former GN to teach his successor how to set about his duties and also about the need of an immediate solution to the problem.

Q Then why did they complain about an assault?

 He did not stop his chatter. I lost my patience and said I would slap them both. I have a self respect as a parliamentarian and the chairman of the coordination committee of the area. I also told them I won’t hit them as it would be highlighted in the following day’s papers.

Q But both the new GN and the former GN alleged you of assault.

This is a completely wrong allegation. They could not show any finger marks to prove  assault  or any other marks on the clothing to prove assault. It was a plan to discredit me.

QHowever, some said one of your supporters had attempted to cut jak trees without formal approval.

The man involved is one Saman. I know him but he is not a supporter. After my involvement in the incident, they say he is one of my supporters.

QYou are sure you didn’t assault them?

No, I did not.

Q Why did you abscond when the police arrived?

I didn’t flee anywhere. Even now I am in Kurunegala, speaking with you. My cell phone remains on constantly; I have done nothing wrong.

‘He slapped me; then he kicked me in my abdomen’

Excerpts from the interview with the Grama Niladari,  Sanath Gunasiri

Q  What is your GN division?

617 Ambakotte  GN  division  under the Rideegama Divisional Secretariat.

QWhere do you live?

 Alawala, a village close to Rideegama.

QAt what time of day did this incident take place?

As I remember it was at about 4.00 pm on July 19.

"Sampath is in a timber business. He is a supporter of MP Nilvala and had served jail terms for assaulting a PS member -- Grama Niladari,  Sanath Gunasiri"

Q  What was this problem?

The CEB had marked certain trees to be cut and removed because an electricity transmission line was being drawn across the area. But before cutting down the trees the divisional secretary’s permission had to be obtained on the GN’s recommendation. A certain person in the area was trying to cut down marked trees without the relevant documentation. So I stopped him from cutting trees down.

QDid you receive any information about illegal tree cutting?

Someone informed me on the phone that a person called Sampath was trying to cut down two jak trees without the necessary permits.

Q Who is Sampath?

He is a resident in Rideegama who is in a timber business. He is a supporter of MP Nilvala and had served jail terms for assaulting a PS member. There are allegations against him for illicit tree felling

Q What did you tell him?

When I went to the spot, Sampath was already cutting two trees with some others. I asked him to stop the cutting as it is illegal without necessary permits although they have had been marked by the CEB.

QDid you go alone to the site?

I went with an experienced GN who is serving in Dedurunadeegama. I needed his guidance.

QWhat happened thereafter?

 Sampath said he had the approval of MP Nilvala MP to cut the trees. But I told him it was illegal and measured the trunks that had been felled by him and sealed them for confiscation   with the help of the other GN. I saw Sampath on the phone to some one then.

QDid MP Nilvala call you?

Sampath told me that the MP wanted to speak to me.

QDid you speak to the MP [on the phone]?

No I told Sampath I don’t want to be answerable to others as I was doing my duty .I heard Sampath telling the MP on the phone that I am refusing to answer.

QWhat happened next?

 When we were about to leave, MP Nilvala came to the site and asked me not mark the cut trees for confiscation. I explained about the illegality of Sampath’s action.

Q  What did the MP say to that?

 He unduly influenced me to release the trees and question my power to confiscate the trees that had been marked for removal. He also said that he had the authority to decide as he was the chairman of the coordinating committee. He scolded me and told not to give instructions to him and talk like a boss.

QWas he angry at the time?

Yes, he was speaking angrily. He also blamed the other GN. However I didn’t agree with the MP and told him that I would take a legal course. Then he slapped me violently and I fell down. Then he kicked me on my abdomen. I was in a great pain.

"When Karu Jayasuriya re-joined the United National Party, the President gave his consent to return [to the UNP] if I wish to"

QWhat happened then?

 GN Dissanayake tried to rescue me, but the MP attempted to hit him too. But Dissanayake resisted and told the MP that if he assaults him, he would assault the MP in return. Then MP Nilvala threatened he would deal  with the matter later and left in his jeep. I was taken to the Kuruneagala Teaching Hospital and admitted by the GN. I had difficulty in hearing for a whole day due to the impact of the slapping.

Q Did the MP contact you after the incident?

 No, but some of his friends spoke to me and asked to come to a settlement.

QDo you want a settlement?

Certainly not. I was subjected to this assault when I was doing my duty properly. Responsible persons should behave decently and be examples to new officers. They should lead us to serve legally. I hope to seek justice for my pain with the assistance of the Grama Niladari Association.

QNilwala MP has requested for an investigation against you.

I am prepared to face any investigation. I performed my duties properly. In doing so I had to undergo these cruelties. There are eye witnesses and investigation will show who is wrong.