99x Hacktitude inter-university hackathon to groom industry-ready talent

21 December 2021 08:59 am Views - 176

Innovative technology company 99x announced the launch of Hacktitude, an inter-university hackathon geared at grooming young talent to be industry-ready upon graduation, by exposing them to technical challenges that drive participants to develop production-grade code. 

The competition will take place on January 22, 2022, with the winning team walking away with MacBook Pros, other prizes, future internships and job opportunities and the guarantee of knowing they are among the best young developers in Sri Lanka. Launched on December 1, 2021, the competition has already received over 100 registrations from undergraduate teams across the island. 

“The uniqueness about Hacktitude is that participants will get the opportunity to work on a near real-world project on a machine of their choosing and a development environment they are comfortable in. This means that the winner will emerge based purely on their skills, teamwork and technical prowess. It will also be excellent exposure for the participants to problems faced in real client projects, allowing them to develop their industry readiness before even entering the job market,” explained 99x Chief Product Officer Chatura de Silva.  

Comprising of challenges worth 99 points, Hacktitude aims to push the boundaries of what’s possible in hackathons. The challenges will be hosted on DevGrade, a first-of-its-kind platform developed by 99x to train product engineers and assist in evaluations. Hacktitude allows candidates to use any IDE or tools of their preference and will be given a near real-world project to work on for nine hours, comprising of a wide mix of feature implementations, bug fixes, improvements and algorithmic problems.

Registrations for the Hacktitude hackathon are still open on a first-come-first-served basis until January 7, 2022. For more information and to apply, please visit hacktitude.io.