Allianz Lanka takes sustainable step forward launching ‘Thuru Mithuru’

22 January 2022 12:00 am Views - 104

 Employees of Allianz Lanka participating in the Thuru Mithuru project



Allianz Lanka recently joined the efforts of the Allianz Group to reduce their carbon footprint by rolling out several initiatives to make a positive impact to the environment. 

Allianz Lanka aligned its global efforts towards more sustainable and eco-friendly operations by launching the ‘Thuru Mithuru’ effort.

‘Thuru Mithuru’ is initiative that aims to support the group wide commitment to cut Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per employee by 3 percent by 2025 through a company-wide tree planting project.

Through the ‘Thuru Mithuru’ project, each and every employee of Allianz Lanka received local fruit plants that were carefully chosen to ensure its compatibility with the soil and environmental conditions of each geographic location. Over 2,200 plants were distributed using reusable bags, ensuring that no additional plastic was utilised, and taking further steps towards protecting the environment, including marine life and the food chain.

Utilising the final month of 2021 to reflect on the lessons of the past year and setting the intention for a sustainable, prosperous, and hopeful 2022, Allianz Lanka encouraged employees to participate in Thuru Mithuru alongside their families and communities. 

Children of employees were especially encouraged to take part, instilling in them a sense of achievement and responsibility, and inspiring them to make a positive impact in their own individual capacity. 
To further enrich the Thuru Mithuru initiative, employees of Allianz Lanka were invited to a webinar with a local expert, where several key insights were shared regarding the importance of taking care of our environment, and the ways in which to best care for their new plants.  

Speaking on the initiative, CEO of Allianz Lanka, Gany Subramaniam said, “At Allianz, sustainability plays a big part in the way we do business. Thuru Mithuru is an initiative that is especially close to our hearts because of the way the simple act of planting trees can bring communities together, and enrich lives for many generations to come. 

We invite all Sri Lankans to take part in this project in whatever way they can, ensuring that we work towards the common goal of giving back to the environments in which we thrive.”