Appreciating love withKruthaGuna

3 March 2016 11:16 am Views - 1188

“KruthaGuna” a pioneering hospitalisation policymeaning “gratitude” especiallydesigned for Individuals over 55 years by ATL (AmãnaTakaful PLC) to fulfil a noble responsibilitythat has thus far not been provided for by the insuranceindustry. 

“Withtoday’sfastpaced society and the variousduties in hand, many of us tend to neglect the obligations towardsourbeloved parents. AmãnaTakafulKruthaGunaprovidesfinancial assistance to children in times of needwhentheir parents fallsick and need to behospitalised” stated Adel Hashim, General Manager, Sales and Marketing, ATL.

The schemeoffersmanybenefitsincludinghospital charges, ambulance services and wheel chair grants to name a few.  KruthaGunaadditionallycoversexpensesincurredwhichincludemedical tests requiredevenafterhospitalisation ,purchase of medicines& a residential nursing service for elderswho are brought home after hospitalisation, a true consolation for bothchildren and parents. The productoffersthreeschemes to choosefromwhichisavailable to all Sri Lankan’s over the age of 55.
Furthermorefrom the second yearonwards the KruthaGunapolicywouldcover, pre-existingailments as well, a unique feature in Hospitalisation policies. Hashim Added, “The possibility of obtaining an insurancecoveris far lesswhensicknessessuch as blood pressure and bloodsugar are detected. Presentlythese are difficultiesfaced by patients. However, withKruthaGunaitisnow possible for seniors to befinanciallysecure for the first time in Sri Lanka. The policyalsoenablesthose living overseas to provide for medical assistance for theirlovedones back home, takingaway the burden of not knowing how exactlytheycan care for themwhenmostneeded”.  

Withnearly 30 ATL branchesisland-wide, customers have merely to contact theirclosestbranch to set up thiscover. Intoits second decade of excellence, ATL has been able to add value, in the unique way, to corporations and individualsalike as a leading and trusted composite insurer.