CIPM inaugurates CIPD UK Approved Centre in Sri Lanka

3 January 2022 12:00 am Views - 210

From left: CIPM CEO U.A.C. Obeyesekere, CIPM President Jayantha Amarasinghe, CIPM Professional and Academic Affairs Committee Chairman Dr. Neil Bogahalande and CIPM Director Professional and Academic Affairs G. Weerathunge


CIPM Sri Lanka, the nation’s leader in human resource management, in another historic milestone in its journey to develop internationally competitive people leaders to take Sri Lanka to the next level, inaugurated Sri Lanka’s only Approved Centre for the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), UK, recently, with the signing and exchanging of the partnership agreements online. 

The signing ceremony was held in virtual mode at CIPM Sri Lanka Members’ Lounge in the presence of CIPM Sri Lanka President Jayantha Amarasinghe, CIPM Vice President Ken Vijayakumar, CIPM Professional and Academic Affairs Committee Council Member and Chairman Dr. Neil Bogahalanda, CIPM Chief Executive Officer U.A.C. Obeyesekere, CIPM Director Professional and Academic Affairs G. Weerathunge and heads of departments of CIPM Sri Lanka and CIPD UK Director Professional Development Victoria Winkler and Lead Centre and Student Partnership Officer Charlotte Cope, who joined online from London.

“This is a momentous occasion for the people management profession in Sri Lanka. Consequent to the accreditation of CIPM’s Chartered Qualification for Human Resource Management (CQHRM) by CIPD UK, the world-recognised chartered HR body with over 160,000 members worldwide, we are pleased to announce that CIPM is now accredited and recognised as Sri Lanka’s only Approved Centre for CIPD, UK. This collaboration between CIPM Sri Lanka and CIPD UK is global and offers a premier qualification to Sri Lanka’s people professionals. With this significant milestone, many avenues will be opened to capture the global HR market. I am happy and excited to see the results of this collaboration,” said Amarasinghe.

CIPM Sri Lanka and CIPD UK continuously work towards a common goal of developing the global people management profession by delivering eminent professional education while nurturing and producing prominent professionals through people development to create a community of universally trusted and valued fraternity of people professionals is exemplified by this strategic partnership.     

“We are delighted to establish this strategic partnership with CIPM Sri Lanka to add further value to the people professionals in Sri Lanka and the region. With the accreditation of CIPM Sri Lanka as an Approved Centre of CIPD UK, the people managers in Sri Lanka and the region will be offered an additional avenue and opportunity to upgrade their skills to a higher level in line with global best practices,” said Winkler. 

At the end of the proceedings, the participants proceeded to the CIPM Business School Premises on the second floor of HR House and ceremonially unveiled the CIPD 
Approved Centre.