Ceylon Cinnamon receives Geographical Indication certification from European Union

29 April 2022 09:08 am Views - 155

From left: EU Ambassador Denis Chaibi and EDB Chairman and CE Suresh D. de Mel


The European Union (EU) this week handed over the Geographical Indication (GI) certification to Ceylon Cinnamon, Sri Lanka’s first GI-certified product. 
An official ceremony took place between the EU Delegation to Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB). 

The GI application was made by the EDB and supported by the EU under the EU-Sri Lanka Trade-Related Assistance Project and through technical assistance from UNIDO and the International Trade Centre (ITC). This, together with support from other private and public stakeholders, has been instrumental in achieving Sri Lanka’s first GI certification.

EU Ambassador Denis Chaibi said, “GI is not only about linking a product to a place; it is about recognising the skill and achievement of the people who produce it. In the case of Ceylon Cinnamon, it is an endorsement of quality and an acknowledgement of the long tradition and rich history behind the production of this internationally renowned spice. An enhanced competitive position for Ceylon Cinnamon in the EU market will increase exports for Sri Lanka and bring higher income and more employment across the cinnamon value chain. I am happy that the EU’s trade assistance has supported Sri Lanka’s efforts to obtain its first-ever GI certification.”

EDB Chairman and CE Suresh D. de Mel said, “This achievement could not have come at a more fitting time than now, when increasing Sri Lanka’s foreign exchange earnings is more important than ever before. I encourage our cinnamon growers, processors and exporters to use the PGI logo and attract high-quality, value-added and premium markets. The EDB and I stand committed to provide our fullest support to help you reach greater heights in exports to generate more foreign exchange income for Sri Lanka.”

Sri Lanka is the world’s largest producer and exporter of cinnamon accounting for 90 percent of the global market share. Although there are many varieties of cinnamon, Ceylon Cinnamon is pure and considered superior, due to its delicate taste and properties that contribute to many health benefits. GI, which protects the name and trademark of a special product identified with a particular region and production practice, will differentiate Ceylon Cinnamon from other cinnamons of lower quality and bring a competitive advantage.