JASTECA to commence webinar series in Sinhala medium

20 January 2022 04:04 am Views - 144

Considering the success of many online webinars held during the last two years, the Japan Sri Lanka Technical & Cultural Association, (JASTECA) will embark on a series of Sinhala medium webinars. 

The English medium webinar on ‘Improving Enterprise Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction by adopting simple Japanese Habits and Practices’  held in August 2021 was well received and many attendees wanted the same programme conducted in the
Sinhala Medium.

The Sinhala medium seminar which will held on January 24  is in response to this request. This is targeted at Owners of SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Managers and also front line staff of larger enterprises.

The seminar will focus on some basic Japanese practices and habits that enhance personal and organisational productivity, quality, and customer delight. The webinar will use many anecdotal  examples so that these habits and practices could be well understood, internalised immediately, and taught to participant’s colleagues and subordinates. 

The contents will cover practices such as their exceptional customer orientation, respect for others and concern for employees, how they promote cleanliness through ‘Kireizuki’, the ‘Nemawashi’ system of decision making, attention to detail, ‘Kaizen’ philosophy, habit of going to the ‘Gemba’,  discipline and punctuality and a host of other habits. 

The resource person, Sunil G. Wijesinha, is a well-known proponent of Japanese Management Techniques as has been promoting Japanese Management for the last 40 years. He has attended several courses in Japan since 1980. 

His over 35 visits to Japan and working with Japanese partners has given him a good understanding of the habits and practices of the Japanese. He has been the pioneer in promoting many Japanese techniques such as 5S, Kaizen and Quality Circles
in Sri Lanka. 

A former President of JASTECA, he is the recipient of the prestigious Regional Award by the Asian Productivity Organisation (APO) for his work in promoting productivity in the Asia Pacific Region. 

He is one of the few promoters of Japanese techniques who can claim theoretical knowledge and practical experience in implementation since he has actually implemented many techniques in his places of work, both government and private sector, such as Institute of Co-operative Management, Ceylon Ceramics Corporation, ETF Board, Merchant Bank of Sri Lanka and Dankotuwa Porcelain.
Further details could be obtained from calling 0112393566.