Reveal The Collection wins 04 TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Awards

28 June 2022 12:44 am Views - 216


Remaining true to its promise of providing personalised services to leisure travellers from around the world, making their stay nothing short of remarkable, Reveal – the collection of boutique hotels across the island has been recognised once again for their excellence by TripAdvisor.

Based on millions of reviews and opinions from travellers from around the world, this annual award recognises the very best tourism establishments in terms of service, quality, customer satisfaction and more, across a range of categories. 

TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel review website, collates all the reviews and ratings shared, and uses the information to highlight the very best of hospitality and tourism brands across the globe. 

Lantern Boutique Hotel won this prestigious award for the eighth consecutive year, while Stafford Bungalow won for the seventh consecutive year, and Ubuntu Beach Villas won for the fifth consecutive year. The Beach House won the Travellers’ Choice award for the third time.

Group General Manager of Browns Hotels & Resorts, Eksath Wijerathne commenting on the achievement said, “We couldn’t be more grateful to our guests who took the time to review us, and are proud of this remarkable achievement. It truly is a testament to the hard work put in by our team members, as maintaining our exceptional levels of service amidst these trialing times is no easy task.”Reveal The Collection currently consists of five exclusive properties; Lantern Boutique Hotel, Ubuntu Villas and The Beach House in Mirissa; The Lavender House in Pussellawa, and Stafford Bungalow in Ragala. Well-known for offering privacy and stylish spaces, coupled together with personalised service, the collection of boutique villas represents a completely new Sri Lankan experience, fiercely proud of its raw authenticity, rich heritage, vibrant culture and exceptional cuisine, situated in awe-inspiring locations around the island.