TAC partners with Earth Hour Sri Lanka as official social media agency

24 February 2016 09:39 am Views - 3239

Fromleft to right : Ovindu Colonne - CreativeDirector, TAC, AnuradhaKudagoda - Associate Consultant(Graphics), TAC, Abdul QadirUvais - Country Manager, EarthHour, Sri Lanka, TharinduAmeresekere - Director/CEO, TAC, PiyumiAmeresekere - Operations Director


Team TAC partnered with the Sri Lankan operationsof WWF's global environmental movement EarthHour. Among the world’s first open-source climate change campaigns, EarthHourin forms, inspires and empowers individuals, organizations, cities and countries to use their collective power to drive climate action throughout the year.

TAC is a local social media agency with clients across the globe and will been hancing the Facebook presence of EarthHour in Sri Lanka by developing content to be published throug hwhich their Sri Lankan audience canbeengaged.

Speaking on this occasion, Tharindu Ameresekere – CEO, TAC said “It is a pleasure to partner with EarthHouras a part of our Social Responsibility policy and assist in spreading positive attitudes towards sustainability whic his the need of the hour.”

WWF’s EarthHouris an open source global environmental movement run by WWF and volunteer teams around the world which unites people to protect the planet. Starting as a symbolic lights out event in Sydney in 2007, EarthHour has grown to engage individuals, business and organizations in over 7,000 cities and more than 170 countries and territoriesduring the hour and beyond.

EarthHour 2016 willbecelebrated on Saturday, 19 March 2016 between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. local time.As the world’s most iconic landmarks prepare to switch off their lights for Earth Hour, supporters are also invited to take a stand for climate action on their own personal landmarks – their social media accounts. From donating their Facebook feeds to spread climate awareness and action on www.earthhour.org/climateaction to adding a custom-made Earth Hour filter to Facebook and Twitter profile pictures, users can show their friends and followers they care about the planet in a few simple clicks.