William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT celebrates 7th Annual Graduation

13 January 2022 09:43 am Views - 194


William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT celebrated its 07th Annual Graduation at the Shangri- La Hotel Colombo, for the graduating batches of Hospitality Management, Event Management & Commercial Cookery, joined by family, friends and industry partners who have dedicated and invested into the future of the coming pioneers and innovators who will go on into the tourism and hospitality industry. 

Celebrating in the 07th Annual Graduation Ceremony of the William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT in the year 2021, Herve Duboscq, General Manager of Shangri-La Colombo, was the Institute’s Chief Guest for the first session celebrating the graduating students of batches Hospitality Management, Commercial Cookery and Event Management. 

Malik Fernando, Managing Director of Resplendent Ceylon and Director of Dilmah Tea/MJF Holdings was the Institute’s Guest of Honour for the first session celebrating the graduating students of batches in Hospitality Management, Commercial Cookery and Event Management.

With an extraordinary history within the sporting community along with a new movement developing in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Kieran Powell (West Indies Cricketer) was the Institute’s Chief Guest and Daniel Grau, General Manager of Galle Face Hotel, as the Institute’s Guest of Honour for the second session celebrating the graduating students of batches in Hospitality Management, Commercial Cookery and Event Management.

The William Angliss Institute @ SLIIT bids this year’s graduating student batches of Hospitality Management, Event Management & Commercial Cookery, a heartfelt farewell as they look to their future endeavours upon the institute’s 07th Annual Graduation.