Closeup brings smiles to lucky couples at bridal fair

10 February 2015 04:22 am Views - 1503

All young couples look forward to their wedding day which is seen as the most important day in their lives.Couples visiting the Closeup boothAs a brand close to the young generation, Closeup believes that every wedding day is an occasion when smiles are plenty and every close encounter matters. These moments are to be cherished when captured into a memorable wedding photography album

As a brand that understands all about great smiles that make unforgettable photos, Closeup was recently associated with the Vivaha Bridal Fair held last month to packed crowds.

At the Vivaha Bridal Fair, Closeup was able to present a lucky couple the rare opportunity of having t heir wedding photography package sponsored by Closeup. The couples who were planning for their weddings and present at the Vivaha exhibition, were given the opportunity t o purchase Closeup at the event and capture their “Closeup moment” at the Closeup photo-booth. These pictures were then uploaded and shared on the Closeup Facebook page. The couple with the most number of likes after a week won the Wedding Photography Package courtesy of Closeup. Well known photography firm Studio 3000 partnered Closeup in this endeavor.

The luckiest couple of them all, Hansi Sewwandi and Chinti Samaranayake were ecstatic about winning the Closeup wedding album offer. For them, it was the opportunity of a lifetime. “Everyone plans their wedding photography well because they want the memories to be cherished – this is an occasion that we will always remember. We’re truly thankful for Closeup for giving us this great opportunity,” they said, in acknowledging their gift. In addition to presenting the full package for the Grand Winner, 20 more couples were given the opportunity to win consolation prizes with a discount of Rs.50,000 from any Studio 3000 Wedding Photography package chosen by them.

Commenting on the unique contest, Munazza Rafeek – Brand Manager of Closeup at Unilever Sri Lanka said that Closeup understands the importance of special occasions lit up by great smiles. “Closeup is all about long lasting freshness and smiles that make everyday special. We’re glad to have been a part of exhibitions such as Vivaha and giving our consumers such great deals that will always hold a special place in their hearts.”