Kadirgamar Review Volume 3 released

6 January 2015 03:58 am Views - 1604

The Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies (LKIIRSS) released its annual flagship research journal - ‘Kadirgamar Review’- on January 1, 2015.

Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute Executive Director Asanga Abeyagoonasekera presenting the Kadirgamar Review to Suganthie KadirgamarLaunched in 2012, this year, the institute published its third volume. Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute Executive Director Asanga Abeyagoonasekera presented the Kadirgamar Review t o Suganthie Kadirgamar.The Kadirgamar Review is a scholarly journal published annually. It aims at providing a multi-disciplinary research platform and enhancing understanding in international relations, foreign policy and diplomacy within the context of Sri Lanka in particular and the world in general.

The 2014 edition carries research papers from distinguished foreign and local scholars such as Patryk Kugiel from the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Nepal Council of World Affairs Secretary General Prof. Shreedhar Gautam, Prof. Indra De Soysa from the International Peace Research Institute (PRIO), Norway and Organisation for Policy Research and Development Studies, Afghanistan Founding Director Mariam Safi, amongst others.
The review consists of findings that will be interesting to both the government and t he public as it provides a global perspective on the contemporary issues faced by our region and the international community. The vast range of topics include ‘Prospects of Connectivity in South Asia’, ‘The European integration process: what lessons for South Asia?’ and ‘How does capitalism produce civil peace?’To purchase a copy of the Kadirgamar Review or for more information contact the Kadirgamar Institute on lkiirss@ gmail.com.