A bull in a China shop?

5 February 2020 10:57 am Views - 531

A state purohita from Rajarata has started the usual game of abusing power, they say.


He has begun giving punishment transfers indiscriminately to some employees in the departments coming under the purview of his Ministry. The employees thus victimised are known to be Blue party supporters. However, some of them had supported the Pohottuwa candidate at the big poll. 

He does not even care to consult the one above him at top team level when taking some actions, they say. 

Those in the highest echelons have already received many complaints against this purohita who is known to have once begged the authorities that he be given a portfolio with a subject related to ‘sand’. 

A former bigwig too had reportedly made complaints against this purohita to the highest political authorities.

Meanwhile, sources close to high places say that the purohita will get his due deserts after the general poll.