13 February 2019 12:21 pm Views - 1475
A rumour that started making rounds in the public sector circles recently said that an amount as high as Rs. 800 million had been transferred from the fund to a certain Ministry for a publicity project.
Some TU activists who got highly ruffled over this rumour had immediately made inquiries and discovered that the Ministry in question had appropriated the hefty sum to finance their publicity exercise!
This Ministry is, of course, doing some work for the good of the poor, but the publicity it seeks for the good work it does is said to be disproportionately high!
The TU activists lost no time in apprising the General Audit about the irregular money transfer.
When an audit inspection was about to get underway, an order from a palace had stymied the move. Later the palace also had issued a testimonial praising the work of the Ministry.
Will the TU activists and parties concerned keep quiet? The question begs an answer!