An estate sector issue on the eve of the big poll!

13 November 2019 11:56 am Views - 525

The Diwali pay advance issue that plagued the estate sector political high-ups has taken a back seat, but it remains simmering.


It was Diga purohita who had to face the brunt of it.

Diga who had faulted the government bigwigs for their inattention to the issue had also complained that another purohita hailing from the estate sector was responsible for making matters worse. 

A conference was held later to iron out the issue at a main office in the city and Diga appealed to the authorities concerned to give the undertaking to make the special payment at least at a later date.

However, the white-collar high-ups handling the national purse had explained the difficulty in releasing the funds and Diga who turned livid tongue-lashed the high-ups in his broken Sinhala, they say.