13 February 2019 11:04 am Views - 1768
A political high-up holding high office in the popular game hailing from a maritime district in Wayamba, had the other day got involved in a vocal battle with a former Diyawanna high-up, who once ruled the roost in the game.
During the vocal battle, the former game chief had used slang terms like ‘Oi’ and ‘Aise’ in addressing his antagonist. This had riled the Wayamba Diyawanna politico, who had demanded:
“Who are you to call me ‘Aise’ and ‘Oi’”?
Later the former game chief had come down from the high pedestal and had requested the Wayamba politico to extend his support to him.
Then, the Wayamba politico had told him: “Why do you want to poke your finger into an affair from which you have kept yourself away! I am not a baby and I don’t need your tuition on this matter!”
Thereafter, the former game chief had said: “I apologize if I have hurt your feelings!” and had beaten a hasty retreat, they say.