Farmer gives the politico an earful!

21 September 2018 09:53 am Views - 2227


A provincial politico had to receive an acid tongue-lashing from an irate farmer in public when he faulted the latter for making a complaint to a visiting top team member.


When the top team member handling agriculture attended a public function held in a cool clime to mark the distribution of fruit plants, the farmer took advantage of the occasion to complain to him that they were unable to do their cultivation work for want of water as the anicut which was their source of irrigation had breached.

“Please take early steps to restore this anicut,” he appealed.

At this stage, a provincial politico who angrily intervened faulted the farmer for failing to report this matter to him first. This remark had got the farmer’s goat who retorted: “Don’t make me tell you a thing or two in raw filth. You ought to know how many times we had complained to you about this matter? You just chased us away every time we called on you! Are you denying that? You had better not come again to us begging our vote!”

Later, the provincial politico was heard telling the top team member that they had not received adequate funds to repair the breached anicut, 
they say.