Guarding the tongue

5 June 2019 11:21 am Views - 359

The actor-turned politico attended a funeral in his electorate the other day.


 All mourners exchanged greetings with the politico and most of them wanted to know his stand on the no-confidence motion against the Wizard.

The politico’s reply to everyone who raised the query was: “I am on the side of the people in the country!”

Those present were unhappy with the non-committal reply and insisted on a direct reply whether he was for or against the motion. 

Some told the actor: “Sir, as for us we all are against that amathi. Are you also against him?”  The actor said again: “I told you that I am on the side of the people on this issue!”

“Does it mean that you are against the amathi,” they asked.

The actor said, “I am on the side of the people.”

An exasperated person told the politico: “Amethithuma, do you want to play-act here? This is not a Parliament joke!”