He bearded the lion in his den

5 April 2017 10:54 am Views - 3374


The high-powered committee piloting the country’s economy met the other day for deliberations on some pressing issues. 


Among those present at this meeting were Second in Command in yahapalanaya, purohitas in charge of subjects directly related to the finances and trade and several consultants considered economic wiz-kids.

While on the subject of taxes being levied on exporters, most participants requested the holder of the public purse to re-consider a certain harsh decision taken by him. Although one or two participants backed the stand taken up by the public purse holder, the others insisted that the issue be resolved in favour of the country’s exporter-community. 

Heated arguments ensued when the public-purse-holding-purohita stuck to his guns unmoved by the reasons adduced by the participants. However, the purohita appeared unnerved when the top consultant ‘Paski’ lashed out at him for his obstinate refusal to listen to others.

Following the meeting, two prominent political authorities who attended the event, warmly congratulated Consultant ‘Paski’ for taking the bull by the horns, they say.