5 June 2019 11:20 am Views - 480
The King Rooster wearing the mantle of his father who was once the undisputed monarch of the upcountry estate kingdom decided to call on a leading religious dignitary to express his grief over the April 21 carnage and make a donation towards the wellbeing of the bereaved survivors.
He also wanted to offer a suitable gift to the religious dignitary.
The King Rooster as usual sought contributions from the business community towards the proposed donation and the gift.
However, the business community who had been heavily taxed by the King Rooster in the past failed to respond this time round.
So, the King Rooster had called on the religious dignitary as planned but, he had to dig into his own purse to meet the costs of the proposed donation and the gift, a rare thing he would do as a politico, they say.