Mona Lisa remark cost him portfolio he loved

6 June 2018 09:41 am Views - 3448


The hero of this story is a Blue party gabby purohita hailing from the backwoods of the country. At the last general polls, he could not muster enough votes to win a seat. Nevertheless, he was lucky enough to make it to Diyawanna through the list. 


A rare one who puts his gift of the gab to the best use in politics, the man would often regale his Diyawanna colleagues with witticisms and anecdotes. Some of his yarns and jokes are so funny, his colleagues would recall them for repeat enjoyment whenever they meet for a gossip session. 
The man has also made a name for making witty remarks about the country’s top men in politics both in public and private. 

Quite recently, our hero had made a very interesting remark about a certain bigwig in yahapalanaya. Referring to this bigwig, he had said: “Macho, no one can fathom this man. His face is inscrutable. It has as many secrets hidden in it as in Mona Lisa’s!” In fact, our politico had made that remark in lighter vein with no ill-will towards the big man. However, one of those who enjoyed this witty remark had quietly carried it to the big man. 

The big man on hearing this remark conveyed with a little bit of uncomplimentary coloring added to it, had felt affronted, but had shrugged it off as if he did not mind it. 

However, at the reshuffle carried out later, the purohita lost the portfolio he liked so much and was saddled with one for which there were no takers!