Name-dropping didn’t work!

15 February 2019 09:55 am Views - 1325


A central province white collar high-up had shown the door to a leading businessman from Galewela, who had called on him to seek approval for constructing a holiday resort on a lake embankment close to a highly venerated Buddhist Shrine.   


The businessman had told the high-up that he had already received the acquiescence of a very high political authority and his daughter for the proposed holiday resort project.   

However, the high-up had immediately refused to approve the project.  

When the businessman insisted on approval being granted pointing out that that the high-up’s appointing authority himself had given his nod for the project, the white- collar high-up had ordered the former to leave the office without being a nuisance to him.   

The high-up had the told the businessman straightaway that he would not approve the construction of a tourist resort on the State reservation near the historic lake and the Buddhist shrine by giving in to anybody’s undue influence.