1 May 2019 04:04 pm Views - 505
A top white-collar high-up of a key statutory body involved in major constructions like high-rises, had recently received an unusual confidential request from a top team member. The requester was not the top team member in charge of the subject.
The white-collar high-up had been completely taken aback by his unusual request: that the files containing documents relating to the personal expenses of his high political authority be passed on to him for his perusal!
The white-collar one who knew about the bad blood between the top team member and his own political boss could immediately put two and two together; that the former had planned to leak the information to the latter’s opposition detractors.
The white -collar high-up, no doubt, knew that he could make a fortune out of the documents in demand, but it is not known whether he complied with the request.
However, it is well known that there is a long-running feud between the top team member from Colombo and his mate politically based in Ruhuna for no other reason than both are eying the same high office in the party!