Prediction about his political future

13 June 2018 10:42 am Views - 21639


The former strongman chaired a party meeting the other day.


The meeting over, a few faithfuls remained with their boss for a chit-chat. During the small talk that ensued, the former strongman confided in his loyalists a prediction made about his political future by a prominent astrologer in South Asia. “He told me that I would go out of power in 2015, but would make a comeback after 2018.”

The first to react to this revelation was a stocky one who made it to Diyawanna from a district close to Colombo. “Sir, didn’t that astrologer predict that you would be the Prime Minister again?”

The question seemed to have put all others ill at ease. They were looking at each other with a frown and the former strongman eased the tense moment with a loud guffaw.