Pressure group is a stumbling block to prospective newcomers!

30 November 2022 09:08 am Views - 703

Several Green party stalwarts heady with the power they wield in the party have starting meddling with affairs which have a bearing on the stability of the government, they say.

These powerful Green party stalwarts are said to be busy placing every obstacle in the way of Telephone party members seeking to join the Green party. The main figures dominating the small pressure group are said to be three party frontliners from Colombo North,  Puttalam and Atugala areas. 

This threesome had, for example, prevented the two Telephone party members  who have already been appointed as top team members after joining the government, from obtaining the membership of the Green party  let alone offering them a minor position in the party!

Now that this situation has been brought to the notice of the party Chief, those who have already joined the government are said be expecting him to intervene on their behalf!